Page 56 of Break the Ice

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I needed to turn around and walk out of Aurora’s room before I did something I couldn’t undo.

When I found out she’d left the party, all I could think about was going after her. Sam was like a bad smell I couldn’t escape. She’d followed me around like a lost fucking puppy, complaining how on edge she felt since the break-in. How she wanted me to come around more often and keep her company.

Like that was ever going to happen.

I’d gotten rid of her eventually, but it was late, and I wasn’t expecting Aurora to be awake. My plan had been to check that she was okay and then head to bed myself. A plan quickly thwarted once I realized she was still up.

Now I was standing here, two seconds away from kissing her, and she was telling me to get out.


“Uh, sorry, what?” I blinked, trying to focus, trying to look anywhere but at her delicious curves. Her soft pink lips. All that hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun that was so effortlessly her.

What the fuck was it about this girl that affected me so much?

“I said you can go.”

“Go, right. Okay.” I stalled.

“The door’s that way.” She flicked her gaze behind me, a flash of irritation there.

“Yep, got it.”

I was an idiot. A bumbling idiot. But she had me all twisted up inside. It was the dress.

I blamed the dress.

And her curves.

And her smile.

Fuck me, her smile.

When she aimed that thing in my direction, it was like she was sharing a private joke just with me. And I’d happily lap up any scraps she gave me.

“Good night, Noah.” Annoyance coated her voice.

“Good night, shortcake.”

Her brows creased, and my mouth twitched. I loved getting a reaction from her—purposefully found new ways to elicit a smile or frown or smirk or look of sheer surprise.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I had a teeny little thing for Aurora Hart.

Of course, the first girl to ever spark that side of me was off-limits. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun with it. Flirt a little. Spend time with her. Make her squirm the same way she constantly got under my skin.

Nothing was ever going to come of it.

She was Austin’s sister, and I had an important season ahead of me. One I couldn’t afford to screw up.

I left Aurora’s room with a strange knot in my stomach. She was lying. Adams had upset her. I’d put money on it.

Not that it surprised me.

Abel Adams was an idiot, always saying the first thing that came into his head, no matter how fucking stupid it was.

The door closed behind me, and I hesitated. I’d seen the uncertainty glistening in her eyes tonight, the cogs working overtime in her mind as she’d stood in front of me in the mirror, uncomfortable in the sexy little dress wrapped around her body, accentuating her curves.
