Page 65 of Break the Ice

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“Well, you’re in for a treat. The gluten-free muffins are to die for too.”


“Oh yeah,” she said. “I’m celiac.”

“That must be tough.”

Harper shrugged. “I mean, you get used to it. But sometimes I just crave a large pizza or big bowl of pasta, you know.”

“Can you eat gluten at all?”

“I can, but the side effects are nasty, so I try to cut it out completely. Shark week is a killer, though, because I crave carbs so badly. I found this great online bakery that specializes in gluten-free brownies, and oh my God, they are delicious. But honestly,” a sigh of longing escaped her lips, “nothing beats the real thing.”

We exited the building and cut across the lawn, heading toward the Student Union building.

“Aurora,” someone yelled, and Harper’s mouth dropped open as she noticed Austin jogging toward us.

“Hmm, Aurora, why is Austin Hart heading in this direction?”

“He’s my brother.”

“Your brother, right. You didn’t think to mention that before?”

“Why would—”

“Hey.” He reached us, running a hand through his dark tousled hair. “How did your morning go?”

“Good,” I said. “Actually, I made a friend. Austin meet Harper—”

“Dixon. Harper Dixon. I’m a huge fan.”

Austin grinned, that cocky smirk of his sliding into place. Oh, Jesus. He was going to hit on her, and Harper was going to fall for it.

Screw that. She was my friend first, and I wasn’t about to let her slip through my fingers for a tangle in the sheets with my brother.

“Knock it off, Austin,” I said. “Harper is off-limits. She’s my friend. I’m pulling the sister card.”

“Aurora,” Harper’s face turned fire-truck red.

“I’m doing you a favor,” I said. “He’ll sleep with you and toss you aside like you’re nothing. Any girl who reads Austen knows she’s worth more than that.”

“What the fuck is happening right now?” Austin frowned. “Because you lost me at Austin.”

“Aus-ten,” I emphasized. “As in Jane Austen.”

“The actress?”

Harper snickered. “Close, but no, she’s a novelist. The incredible mind behind characters such as Mr. Darcy—”

“Mr. Darcy? Who the fuck is—”

“Did you want something, Austin, or can this wait until later? We were just on our way to the coffee shop.”

“Fine, I can take a hint.” He hooked his arm around my neck and pulled me close. The way he had when we were kids. When life was simpler. “I’ll check in with you later.”


“Harper, nice to meet you.” He gave her a salute but didn’t lay on the charm too thick.
