Page 70 of Break the Ice

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“Everything’s fine. You ready to take us all the way this season?”

“Born ready.” Aiden smirked.

“Glad to hear it.” We exited the hockey facility together.

LU was lucky to have such a state-of-the-art facility, but when your team was four-time Frozen Four winners with one of the highest percentages of players to get drafted from the NCAA to the pros, money and sponsorships poured in.

“Seeing Dayna tonight?”

“No, she’s got a deadline.”

“At least she’ll be here soon, permanently.”

“Not soon enough.” A faint grin traced his mouth. “We’re going to look at some apartments next weekend.”

“Nice. I know I gave you shit about her over the summer, but I’m happy for you.”

“Watch it, Holden, or I’ll start to think you’re having a change of heart where relationships are concerned.”

“Un-fucking-likely.” Laughter bubbled out of me, but it sounded all wrong. He didn’t seem to notice, though.

“You know, I thought you and Sam were going to fall into something.”

“Nah, she’s not my type.”

“Tall, blonde, and beautiful, she’s exactly your type. And she isn’t a bunny; that’s always a bonus.”

“We’re just friends. At least, we were. Before she started to get weird.”

“Honestly, I never dreamed I’d settle down. It was the last thing on my radar. My first love has always been hockey. But then I met Dayna, and I realized it doesn’t have to be a choice. You can have hockey and the girl.”

“Nah, Cap.” I clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s your dream, not mine.”

“You’re only a sophomore, Holden. Give it another year, and you might feel differently.”

“I’m not relationship material.”

“Listen, this thing between you and Adams, do I need to be worried?”


Aiden’s brow lifted with suspicion. “You sure about that? The wicked bruise he’s sporting would suggest otherwise.”

“His mouth got the better of him, and I shut him up.” I shrugged. “Way I see it, as long as he doesn’t run his mouth again, we won’t have a problem.”

“Just… come to me next time. I’m captain now. It’s my job to make sure my players aren’t beating the crap out of each other off the ice.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“I don’t disagree, but he’s our asshole. We’re a team, Holden. I can’t have anything jeopardizing that. So whatever’s going on between the two of you, bury it before official practice starts.”

“Don’t worry, Cap. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the season.”

But as I said the words, Aurora’s face popped into my head. Her plump ass in those ridiculously tight yoga pants


I was in trouble.
