Page 73 of Break the Ice

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No heartbreak.

Just me and some guy and a bucket load of vodka, probably.

Who was I kidding?

I wasn’t confident enough to do the casual sex thing.

It’s why Ben’s betrayal had cut so deep. He knew what a big deal it was for me to trust him with my body—my heart—and he’d thrown it back in my face with zero regrets.

Why would I ever put myself through that again?

“So…” She watched me expectantly. “Will you do it?”

“I… Yeah, sure.”

What the hell was I supposed to say?

Sorry, I can’t because I’m harboring a secret crush on Noah that I know will never amount to anything, but I’d prefer it if you didn’t have hot, sweaty sex with him because it’ll ruin my fantasy. Thanks.

“Great, maybe I can come over later to study.” She waggled her brows, a wicked glint in her eye. “I’ve heard he has a thing for blondes.”

“Apparently so.” I sipped my coffee, watching students come and go. I definitely preferred Roast ‘n’ Go over Joe’s. It had absolutely nothing to do with the lack of hockey players at all.

“Don’t look now,” Harper whispered. “But there’s a cute guy sitting along the back, and he’s totally checking you out.”

“I very much doubt—”

“He is.” She nodded with enthusiasm. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since we sat down.”

“Maybe he’s looking at you,” I said.

“Trust me. He isn’t. Anyway, he’s really cute. You should go over there and give him your number.”

“Why the hell would I do that?” Panic rose inside me, making my palms sweat.

“Because…” She chuckled. “It’s college. Freshman year. Don’t you want to live a little and soak up all the new experiences?”

“Harper, I’m sitting here in a t-shirt that says I read books for fun.” Not to mention the messy bun I was sporting, the shapewear leggings, and well-worn Chucks.

“I’m not following.”

Of course, she wasn’t. Why would she?

“Forget it,” I mumbled. “I’m not going over there.”

“You don’t need to because coffee hottie is headed this way.”

“He’s—” I glanced over, and sure enough, a cute guy in a sweater two shades darker than my eyes was walking toward us. “Totally coming over here. Oh, God.”

“Breathe, Rory. It’s just a guy.” Her laughter did little to ease the churning in my stomach.

“Hey.” He arrived at our table, giving me a nervous smile. “I’m Ryan. I wondered if you had room for another one?”

“Oh, actually, I’m—”

“Perfect timing, Ryan.” Harper shot up out of her seat. “I was just leaving. You can take my seat.”

“Harper,” I hissed under my breath, but the meddlesome hussy flashed me an encouraging smile, mouthing, ‘He’s cute. Enjoy.’ She winked and excused herself before I could protest.
