Page 79 of Break the Ice

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Harper had their full attention, and once again, I was left to wilt in the shadows.



“Aurora’s been gone a while,” Harper said.

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Austin drained his beer and slammed it down a little too enthusiastically. “She’s probably upstairs reading.”

“Still, I should probably—”

“Stay. Drink. Eat.”

Jesus, he was so fucking obvious.

I got it. Harper was hot, and she knew hockey. Her old man had played for the Lakers back in the day, and that little tidbit of information had us all hanging on her every word.

James Dixon was a legend, a whispered myth in the locker room. He’d won two Frozen Four championships with the Lakers before crashing out of the NHL during his rookie year thanks to a brutal MCL injury. So to have his flesh and blood sitting right there was pretty fucking awesome.

At least, it would have been if I could stop thinking about what Harper had said earlier.

Aurora had a date.




The word rattled around my head like a sack of bricks.

It was probably a good thing. She could go on her date, and I could get past my weird little infatuation with her.

Only, every time I thought about another guy taking her out, I wanted to murder something with my bare hands.

“I’ll go check on her. I want to get another drink anyway,” I offered.

“I’ll have another,” Austin said, not taking his eyes off of Harper for a second.

She didn’t seem interested, though. She was too busy eye-fucking me at every opportunity. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she’d earned her way to the top of my never going to happen list the second she’d walked into the yard with Aurora.

I was a dog, but I wasn’t an asshole.

Mase and Connor both watched me as I headed toward the house, but I didn’t acknowledge them. It wasn’t like I was going to do anything stupid.

I just wanted to get a drink and check on Aurora. My friend’s sister. My housemate. My friend.

Keep telling yourself that, asshole.

She wasn’t downstairs, though, so I headed up to her room, knocking gently.

“I’ll be right out,” she called, but I heard the slight wobble in her voice.

“I’m coming in, shortcake.” I pushed the door open, and our eyes locked.

“What are you doing up here?”

“We missed you. It’s not Hot Dog Tuesday without you.”
