Page 98 of Break the Ice

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“Aurora, I didn’t—shit. Me and my big mouth. Babe, you’re gorgeous. You have those big, beautiful eyes and that ass. And don’t forget your porn star tits.” She grinned. “I know we hate Ryan-the-asshole, but he does have a point. You do have great boobs.”


“Oh, come on. I would kill to have your curves. I’m lucky if I can fill a B cup with padding.”

“Harper, you’re stunning.”

“This is true.” Her smile grew. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t have body hang-ups. I hate my knees and the way my collarbone juts out. I won’t wear strapless tops because it totally freaks me out.

“So you’ve got hips, boobs, and an ass. Guys dig that. They like a little something to hold onto.” She winked.

“I wish I had your confidence,” I whispered.

“You know there’s this motivational quote I love that goes, ‘Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud.’ You can’t always take what you see at face value.”

She was right, part of me knew that. But when you’d spent your entire life being cast aside for prettier, slimmer girls, it was hard to empathize.

“Anyway, back to my original question,” she said. “Are you lusting after a certain Laker right-winger?”

“No.” She raised a brow, and I shook my head emphatically. “Absolutely not.”

“Fine. If you say so, but aside from the fact that he’s your brother’s best friend and his teammate, it would be totally okay if you did have a thing for him, you know.”

I didn’t like the way she looked at me, as if she knew the truth.

This was bad.

Very bad.

“Well, I don’t, so it’s a moot point.”

“Then you won’t mind if I ask him out.”


“I… sure. Go for it. But just for the record, I think it’s a bad idea.”

“Don’t you know, Rory?” Harper flashed me a confident smile that made my stomach tumble. “Sometimes bad ideas are the best kind.”

I’d left Harper at Roast ‘n’ Go to head to the library. There were a couple of books I needed to check out for one of my classes, and I couldn’t find them online, so I was hoping the library had some copies.

“Aurora,” Ella greeted me at the desk. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“It is the library, no?”

“Of course,” she chuckled. “I just meant… oh, ignore me. It’s been a strange morning.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” She hesitated. “I mean, I think so. Connor has been acting a little weird.”

“Weird, how?”

“I feel silly even saying this, but he’s being kind of secretive about things.”

“Secretive… Connor?” The guy couldn’t hold his shit for anything.

“I know, it’s weird, right? He’s usually an open book, but I get the feeling he’s keeping me at arm’s length, and it’s freaking me out.”
