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He’d never felt for anyone else anything close to what he felt for her.

In that moment, he felt like everything was perfect and couldn’t get any better.

But he’d try, because he had plans for them.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Kenna enjoyed the cozy ride home in the truck with Max, the stars sparkling in the night sky as they drove down the country road. Max held her hand. The songs on the radio all seemed to be her favorites.

Max pulled into the driveway and parked in front of the house.

She stared at it, looking at it for the first time as their home, imagining what it could be in her mind as they made updates to suit them.

With everything going on, they hadn’t had time to get the paint for the kitchen or decide on new countertops. In truth, it didn’t really matter. What mattered most was that she and Max would make new memories here as a family.

With Christmas coming soon, it would be their first holiday back together. She’d brought her box of decorations she used in her apartment. She’d add them to the Wildes’. Another joining of her life with Max’s.

“You okay?” Max squeezed her hand.

She turned to him. “What do you want for Christmas?”


That warmed her heart. “I’m already yours.”

“Then I have everything I need.”

She leaned over and kissed him, letting him know how much she appreciated that sweet sentiment.

He answered with a soft, sultry kiss.

Her mind went blank and need took over. She sank into him, holding him close in the confined space. Her elbow hit the steering wheel, but she barely noticed, because the taste of Max sent a wave of desire swirling through her.

Somehow Max managed to open his door and slip out while still kissing her. He gripped her hips and slid her across the seat and right out of the truck until she was standing in front of him, her arms around his shoulders, the kiss spinning out as their tongues entwined and their bodies met in an embrace she didn’t want to ever escape.

“We should go inside,” Max said against her mouth, his hand dipping low over her hip and covering her ass as he pulled her closer, his thick erection pressed to her belly.

“Mmm-hmm.” She was happy to be right here in his arms, even if it was cold as hell out.

“Kenna,” he whispered against her lips.

She broke the kiss to scold him. “You talk too much.” She dove in for more.

He gave in to the kiss for another moment, then kissed his way to her ear. “It’s cold out here. And you’re wearing too many clothes,” he grumbled back.

“You should fix that.” She gave him a sexy smile,turned in his arms, and felt his hands slide across her hips as she sauntered toward the house.

“Damn. I love that dress. Those legs. That ass.”

She glanced over her shoulder.

He hadn’t moved, just stood there watching her walk away.

“Come and get them,” she ordered with a grin and kept on walking.

Max quickly closed the truck door, locked it, and caught up and took her by the hips, pulling her ass into his thighs as he kissed her neck. Then they made a mad dash, hand in hand, inside the house, up the stairs, and into their room.

Max closed the door and stalked her toward the bed.
