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“No. Not that. Not exactly.”

Her heart dropped.

“But that’s the reality. I know it. The feds know it, because they don’t want me helping anyone else either. So if something happens to me, just know that, even though I’m not with you anymore, I’m glad you’re safe.” Kyle choked up. “That’s all I want now.”

“Kyle, let’s talk this out and find a way.”

“I got myself into this. I have to accept what comes next and handle it myself. And I will, Kenna. I promise you that.”

“What does that mean?” Her heart pounded. It sounded so final.

“Take this chance to build the life you always wanted with Max. Marry him. Have babies. Be happy again. It’s a nice picture. A great life for you.”

She couldn’t look at Max. She needed to stay focused on the problem at hand. “Kyle. Please.” She didn’t know what she was begging him for, but in the back of her mind she knew she’d never see her brother again.

“I’m sorry what I did touched your life the way it did.”

Tears filled her eyes. “You didn’t mean for it to happen.”

“I wanted to prove myself. I thought what I was doing was fun and cutting-edge and cool. I was riding so high on ego, arrogance, and success that I didn’t stop to think about anything besides the victory and how it would open doors to bigger and better opportunities. And then it was too late. I’d gone too far. Now I can’t turn back.”

“There has to be a way.”

“I told you, there’s only one way. And I’m sorry for that, too, because I’d have really liked to see you marry Max and watch you bring new lives into this world. You’re a really great sister. You’re going to be an amazing mother.”

Max leaned down and took her hand.

She immediately linked her fingers with his. “Stop, Kyle. Don’t do this. Don’t you say goodbye to me.”

“Call Agent Gunn, tell him I finally accepted it has to be this way.”

“Have you spoken to him already?” It sounded like they had talked.

“It doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters but ending this.”

“Kyle,” she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

“I love you.”

“I love you,” she rushed to say, knowing he was going to hang up.

Sure enough, the line went dead.

Chapter Seventeen

Kenna leaned her head back against the wall, hit her stitches, winced, and righted herself again. She stared at nothing, replaying the call in her head. Any way she looked at it, the situation felt dire. And inevitable.

She wondered if she’d ever see her brother again.

Max moved the nightstand out of the way, held his hand out to her, and waited patiently for her to take it.

Reaching for him used to be so easy. Now... Oh, who was she kidding? He was the only thing she wanted right now. She took his hand, stood, and launched herself into his chest.

He caught her close and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s going to be okay.”

She appreciated the sentiment even if she didn’t really believe it.

Someone pounded on the door. “It’s Tom. Open up.”
