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“Yes. The FBI would be there to apprehend the director who stole government property, plus the guy he hired to get it back from Kyle, but who ultimately ended up killing Marcus. All the players would be there and we’d sweep them up all at once.”

“But something went wrong,” Max guessed.

“In setting up the meeting, Kyle promised that Kenna would retrieve the hard drives and bring them to him at the meet. It was their condition that she be there.”

“But I don’t know where they are, or how to get them. Kyle took back what he left at my place.”

“I know that. They didn’t. I had my undercover guy hint that maybe the reason you were in protective custody had more to do with you having the thing they wanted, than you being able to identify Marcus’s murderer. So the businessman, not having dealt in a lot of shady deals, assumed you’d be the one to bring Kyle the hard drives at the meeting. The businessman would get them back, his guy would kill Kyle and you, eliminating anyone who tied him to the theft and murder.”

“Because once the businessman had back the thing he wanted, he didn’t need Kyle. He wouldn’t want Kyle to be able to tell anyone about it, how to defeat it, or make another one,” she guessed. “The only way it ends is with Kyle’s death. If he lived, people would use him if they had him, or they’d continue to try to find him.”

“Exactly. And he was willing to make the sacrifice. We hoped to stop it and save him.”

“But you didn’t,” her father snapped.

Agent Gunn hung his head, then met their gazes again. “Things didn’t go to plan. The agent following the killer backed off once the killer was at the meeting to protect his cover. There were other agents surrounding the scene, so we thought we had the killer contained.”

Agent Gunn continued. “Kyle arrived first, then the businessman and the hired gunman. Kyle and the businessman faced off. Just when we were about to move in and make the arrest, everything went sideways. The killer accused the businessman of not paying him and lying about you being there, so he could eliminate you. Hethreatened to kill Kyle unless he got paid. They argued about it, and the killer shot Kyle in the chest.”

Her mother gasped. “Why?”

“Because if he didn’t get paid, the businessman didn’t get his asset. Kyle.”

“But you said he died in a car crash.”

“Kyle took advantage when the agents I had on scene swooped in to make the arrests and somehow managed to drive away. I went after him. But he didn’t get far before he veered off the road and hit a tree. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt and died on impact.” Agent Gunn sighed out his regret. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“How could he just drive away?” her mom asked.

“The killer didn’t want to go down without a fight. Bullets started flying. Kyle ran. Adrenaline gave him the strength and speed to do so, but ultimately it wears off and you’re left in a lot of pain.” It sounded like Agent Gunn knew that firsthand.

“Did Kyle hit the tree by accident?” Kenna wasn’t so sure based on her conversations with Kyle.

Agent Gunn shrugged as his only answer, leaving Kenna to wonder if it was an accident, or intentional.

“Of course it was an accident,” her dad snapped. “So you captured the businessman, but not the killer?” her dad asked.

Agent Gunn took her father’s anger in stride. “Unfortunately, he ran into the trees and got away. We had people out looking for him. Then my undercover agent texted me that the killer asked for his help in taking down the agents at the ranch, so he could get to you. I warnedmy team at the ranch that they were close and to get you out immediately. And you know how that turned out.”

“Your undercover man took him out,” Max said.

“You helped,” Agent Gunn replied.

Kenna gasped. “Wait. You shot the killer?”

Max sighed. “He shot you. I had to stop him before he killed you. I thought...”

Tears filled Kenna’s eyes. “You thought I was dead.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d make it,” he clarified, his eyes watery.

Agent Gunn sighed. “I’m sorry you were put in that position, Max. Tom praised you in his report for keeping Kenna safe and saving his life.”

“Your man did that.”

Agent Gunn didn’t let Max downplay his role. “You helped save lives.”

“How is the agent who got hurt driving the car?”
