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“You and pizza. I could live on that forever.”

Max smiled again and laughed. “We’ve got so much more ahead for us.”

She didn’t doubt it. But first, they had a few things to do to finish off this chapter so they could start a new one.

A happier one that included them making their dreams a reality.

Chapter Thirty

Max wasn’t a morning person by nature, but after all these years working the ranch, he enjoyed the quiet, a cup of coffee, and the sunrise. Though today he’d have rather stayed in bed with Kenna.

They’d gotten home a bit late last night. After she’d been discharged from the hospital, he’d taken her out for pizza as promised. Their first date now that she wasn’t being guarded by the feds. He thought they’d pick it up to go, but she’d wanted to eat at the restaurant and just be out in the world.

By the time they got home, she was tired again, so they called it a night early. He didn’t think he’d sleep, but apparently the second he had her in his arms, all the fatigue he’d carried since the night she was shot caught up to him and he fell into a deep sleep, missing a chance to talk to his dad, who’d been over at Chase’s place playing with his granddaughters.

His dad came down the stairs and raised a brow. “I thought I heard the shower upstairs.”

“You did,” he said, pouring his dad a mug and holding it out to him.

His dad gave him a grin. “I assume it’s not one of your brothers upstairs. They’re too happy living with their women to end up here for a night.”

Max returned his dad’s grin. “It’s Kenna.”

The smile widened. “I knew that.”

“Her place is still a mess. With what happened there, she doesn’t want to go back.”

“And you want her here.”

“Yes. In fact, I asked her to stay.” He blurted it out, like a confession. Maybe he should have asked first, but... He was a grown man who wanted the woman he loved under the same roof as him.

“I knew once she was here, you weren’t going to let her go again. I want you to be happy. You’re happiest when you’re with her. And, for what it’s worth, I’ve always liked her. She’ll fit in here just fine.”

“Thanks, Dad. We’ll sort out any details later.” Max turned to the dining room entrance when Hunt and Cyn walked in with Lana. “What are you guys doing here? I thought you were leaving on your honeymoon today.”

Hunt hooked his arm over Cyn’s shoulders. “We are, this afternoon. But first, we wanted to stop by to check on Kenna.”

Max glanced at Cyn. “And you’re dying to meet her.” And she finally could because Kenna was free to do as she pleased.

Cyn beamed. “She’s family, right?”

He grinned. “Yes. She is. But we just got back together, and while things are falling right back into place, they’re also moving quickly, so maybe you all could give us both a little breathing room to settle into it.”

Cyn nodded. “Of course. Shelby and I just want her to know we’re here for her, too.”

He hoped Chase, Shelby, and Eliza didn’t show up next. Kenna didn’t need this kind of overwhelming welcome when she was still recovering.

Lana started fussing in Cyn’s arms.

Max loved his nieces dearly and plucked the little one right out of her new mom’s arms. Lana’s mom’s death was still all too fresh for all of them, especially Cyn, who had been very close to her sister. Lana was lucky to have Hunt and Cyn jump right in to love and raise her as their own. And now they were an official family.

Not that they needed a wedding license and adoption papers when love made it as real as it gets.

Lana settled in against his chest and went back to sleep. He couldn’t blame the little girl, it was early, even for her.

Hunt took a seat at the breakfast table. “How is Kenna?”

“Sore. Tired. We crashed early last night. She had a nightmare, but went right back to sleep.” He rubbed Lana’s back, taking in her sweetness and the comfort of holding her.
