Page 64 of Free Fall

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All the good stuff.

All the things that Frankie was passionate about.

“I’ll take them,” the older woman said. She had sleek gray hair, and an outfit Aunt Pat wouldn’t be caught dead in (mostly because there weren’t any puppies on her shirt or sparkling glass beads around her neck).

“I’ll help you,” Raven said, moving quickly toward the woman before she began clearing the shelves.

Well,clearingthe shelves was okay, so long as that meant taking a large amount of product and purchasing it, and doing that while not sending the remaining contents of those shelves Frankie had so painstakingly put together toppling.

“Thank you, dear,” the woman murmured, handing Raven a pile of goodies.

“Happy to help,” she said.

And she was.

Raven really didn’t mind helping out.

In general, she liked people.

And plus, Frankie had promised to give her a box of the rice, cranberry, super dark chocolate mix as payment.

That was a good enough deal for Raven.

Though, speaking of Frankie, she made a mental note to make sure her friend took a break at some point that day. She was helping out this weekend because the store wasslammed—Frankie’s stock shipment from Thursday had been delayed until that morning, conflicting with her usual Saturday cooking class, and then adding in the normal Saturday farmer’s market crowds, and Earthly Delights had been hopping with a steady influx of customers.

Raven carried the combination of boxes and mixes—the elegant older woman trailing her—to the counter, adding it to the pile of other items the woman accumulated as Frankie had assisted her with her shopping.

She did this so Frankie could continue on with her restocking.

Her friend had almost made it through the entire truckload.

Then Frankie was going to switch to prepping for the private cooking class she was hosting that evening.

The bell rang over the door just as Raven was finishing scanning the older woman’s items and stacking them in the reusable canvas totes she’d brought in. Printed with elegant patterns that matched her clothing and makeup and jewelry. Not haphazard. Not mismatched. Not frayed at the edges.

Perfectly coordinated.

That was well out of Raven’s realm of abilities.

“Welcome to Earthly Deligh—”

Frankie’s voice cut off so abruptly that Raven’s gaze jerked up, immediately going to her friend. Whose eyes had gone wide, her stare on the man who’d just walked in.

“Earthly Delights indeed,” breathed the elegant older woman.

And…fuck if that wasn’t theprecisethought drifting through Raven’s mind.

The man who strolled into Frankie’s shop wasn’t beautiful. But he wasallman, all strength and power and sex appeal. This was a man who could pick a woman up and effortlessly fuck her against the wall, all while engaging in a firefight.

Dodging bullets, but never losing his rhythm.

Fucking his woman into a loose-limbed pleasure then carrying her out through that storm of activity with nary a bump.


She was ridiculous.

