Page 27 of The Seduction

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“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You did the right thing.”

“I did?” She was so surprised she nearly dropped Moses again.

“We’re talking sex trafficking. Do you want them to get away with repealing legislation against it?”

“Of course not. But I’m just a…I mean, I’m just a model.”

“Cut it out.” His tone was so severe that she blinked at him in astonishment. “You’re a woman with a brain and a conscience. And an iPhone.” A warm feeling spread over her, but it dissipated at his next words. “Let me listen to the recording.”

“Why?” It was starting to feel like a curse, that video.

“Why not? Maybe I can put some pieces together. I’m in the FBI, you know. It’s kind of my thing.”

“But then you’ll be in it too. More than you already are.” When he looked like he was going to protest, she added, “besides, I told you what I overheard.”

“You told me the gist. Listening to it might tell me more. Details. It’s all in the details.”

“You’re very annoying, has anyone ever told you that?”

“Oh yeah. But only suspects and ex-girlfriends.”

She wondered what kind of woman Granger went for. He’d said “ex-girlfriends,” plural. How many had there been? Was there one currently? Had he ever been married? What about kids? Was he the kind of guy who was completely married to his job? She wouldn’t be surprised. He gave off that dedicated, no-time-for-games vibe.

Except for those flashes of wit and humor and compassion that shone through at unexpected moments.

So many questions about the tall man holding down the other end of the couch. Moses squirmed off her lap and trotted toward Granger, who scooped him up with one hand. The puppy nestled himself into the crook of his elbow. Maybe he was remembering how good it had felt to be rescued from the snow by this giant of a man.

She sighed.

“Fine, you can listen to it. There’s a great view of the inside of my pocket too.” She pulled out her phone. Before she could find the video, she saw that a call was coming in from Kendra. Her ringer was off, so she’d missed it.

“Is that FBI guy there with you?” Kendra demanded as soon as she answered.

“Um, yes.” She slid a glance at Granger. “Do you need to talk to him?”

“Yes, please. It’s an emergency. Actually, what are you doing right now?”

“Not much.” Just sharing the details of the crazy yacht-party situation that might have a Thai operative on her ass.

“Can you both come to the Blue Drake right now? I can explain better in person. Burgers on us. I mean, if you eat burgers. Veggie burgers? I don’t know, whatever you want. Lettuce burger. Just come. Please.” She ended the call.

Bliss stared at Granger, who’d clearly heard the whole thing. “Let’s go,” he said, rising off the arm of the couch. “Although anyone who thinks you eat only lettuce has never seen you with a box of Triscuits.”


How the hell had he become the go-to guy for Lake Bittersweet emergencies, Granger grumbled to himself as he jogged down the street toward the Blue Drake. He should never have helped out with that raccoon. It was always the animals that got you attached.

Bliss was right behind him, wrapped in her faux-fur lined cloak like Heidi in a storm. He hadn’t had any time to process her story before the call came in from Kendra. But details from it were flying through his mind as he ran.

First order of business, when he got the chance, was to learn everything there was to know about Congressman Linde. He knew some guys in the DC office who would be more familiar with the political types. He wanted to know everything about the guy—his connections, his history, his background.

He wouldn’t be the first corrupt member of congress by a long shot. The question now was, how far was he willing to go to protect himself? Apparently someone in Thailand thought he’d go all the way to Lake Bittersweet, and wanted to warn Bliss. A Thai citizen who worked at the consulate would be his guess.

Time to officially upgrade himself from fake bodyguard to real bodyguard.

Kendra waved at them from outside the front entrance of the Blue Drake. She hadn’t bothered to put on a coat, and a light scattering of snow adorned her hair, which she’d piled on top of her head in a twist.

“What’s wrong?” Bliss gasped as she caught up to them. “Is your dad okay?”
