Page 87 of The Seduction

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“I know why you think that. I’ve been listening. Everyone stay right where you are, I’m coming out. No sudden moves. No moves of any kind.”

If he’d been listening, had he heard all of it, the part about her loving him too? She couldn’t resist asking, “Did you hear everything I said?”

Adam rolled his eyes, his expression so similar to Granger’s in that moment that she almost laughed out loud.

“I’m not sure, you were saying a lot of things. Can you repeat it? Slowly, word for word?” The amusement running through his voice came as a huge relief. He must know that she wasn’t really in danger.

Love for him flooded through her heart. Granger would always be here for her. Even after she’d rejected two of his proposals, he was still here.

“I don’t want anyone to hurt Adam,” she called. “He’s very misguided and kind of an idiot, but he doesn’t really want to cause harm.”

“He stabbed me,” said Granger at the same moment that Adam said, “I’man idiot?”

Bliss ignored that. “He says he panicked and stabbed you because he thought you were going to shoot him.”

A moment later, Granger strode through the doorway that connected the terrace to the house. Adam stiffened, but didn’t move a muscle. He looked almost too afraid to breathe.

Granger picked up the knife and came to Bliss’ side. He put an arm tightly around her. She leaned against his solid bulk and exhaled, and it was the best thing she’d ever felt in her life.

“So you’re my half-brother,” he said to Adam. “What kind of asshat family am I from?”

Adam went rigid and glanced around in a panic.

“If Bliss doesn’t want you harmed, you won’t be harmed.” Granger’s grudging tone made it clear he didn’t completely agree. “At least not by me. But those guys out in the woods haven’t heard any of this, so if I were you, I’d move very very carefully. Got it?”

Adam nodded.

“Good. Now, first things first. Bliss needs to go to the bathroom. I know the signs. I want you to stay right where you are. We’ll be right back, and in the meantime, don’t forget. Guys in woods. Surrounded. Don’t move.”

After getting a nod from Adam, Granger shepherded Bliss past the man, who was now cowed into silence.

“You can sit on the chaise lounge,” she told him. “It’s quite comfortable.”

“Comfortable?” Granger murmured through gritted teeth as they made their way into the house. “Who gives a fuck if he’s comfortable?”

“He’s the future half-uncle of our baby. Or babies. He thinks we might be having twins. He has twin boys himself.”

Granger snorted. After all this, he didn’t seem all that interested in this new family of his.

“Twins,” Bliss breathed. “Can you imagine? That would change everything.”

“How so?”

They reached the downstairs bathroom. She went inside and as she was peeing, called to him, “Well, I was thinking that maybe I should accept your proposal after all.”

She flushed the toilet, washed her hands, then came through the door to find him standing with legs braced apart, arms folded across his chest, and fire blazing in his amber eyes. “No, you shouldn’t. Not yet.”

Her smile evaporated. He was really rejecting her acceptance of his proposal? Would she ever understand this man?

“Wha…what do you mean?”

“I didn’t do it right. I left a few things out the first time. Well, one thing. I love you. Deeply. Passionately. Forever. Even though you spin me in circles half the time, wherever I end up, I’m happy as long as you’re there. All I want is to make you happy and see you shine on me like a star with that one particular smile you never give anyone else.” His lips curved slightly. “Yeah, that’s the one. Right there.”

She realized that she was beaming at him as if channeling the sun itself. “I like this proposal.”

“You do? Does that mean you’re saying yes?”

“Wait. Don’t rush me. I’ve loved you for so long now, and I didn’t say it and I’m through with not saying how I feel.”
