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Simple. Easy. No pressure.

They could do that, right?

ENTERINGTHEHOUSEhours later, after repainting the finish they’d destroyed on the float base, Oliver still felt as though he were in a dreamlike state. Had that really happened?

He’d kissed Carly. Held Carly. Saw her naked. Been intimate with her.

Before that week, they’d shared hugs and a forehead kiss or two, then they’d ramped things up a bit with the kiss in the bookstore, but now they’d launched forward at warp speed. But he didn’t regret it a single bit. It may have seemed quick, but in truth, they’d been dancing around this connection for years. He’d sensed she’d wanted more from him, but she’d never voiced it or acted on it and he’d taken that reprieve. Now he realized he no longer wanted her to hold back. He didn’t want to hold back either. He wanted to go all in with her. Keep seeing one another and see where it led.

Simple. Easy. No pressure.

He hummed to himself as he entered the living room, where Tess sat on the floor with the yet-to-be-named kitten. The small puffball was a great addition to their family. It was sweet and no trouble at all. Tess was fully in love, and Oliver had to admit, it was nice to have company during the day when he worked in the shed between tour groups.

Tess had a handful of treats and had somehow taught the kitten to roll over. Oliver laughed, watching the display. Only his daughter could train a cat. “That’s impressive.”

“Pumpkin is very smart,” she said.

“Pumpkin? Is that the name we’re going with?”

“Unsure. Testing it out to see if it fits... Stay tuned,” she said. She glanced up at him and sent him an odd look. “Why do you look like that?”

His heart thumped as he quickly glanced down. Had he forgotten to zip his coveralls fully? Were there traces of Carly’s makeup on his lips? He ran a hand through his disheveled hair. “Look like what?”

“Like you just got into the chocolate ice cream before dinner.”

He hid a grin at the accurate assessment. He definitely felt as though he’d indulged. He shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe I did,” he said with a wink.

Tess had encouraged him to get back in the love saddle and he knew she’d be happy that he and Carly had taken their relationship to another level—at least, he hoped she would be—but for now, he wanted to keep this feeling to himself. It had been far too long since he’d felt it.

He sat on the floor next to her and the kitten. The orange-and-white animal immediately approached him and rubbed her head along his leg.

“You were right. Expanding our family was a great idea,” he said.

Tess grinned at him. “Told you. And who knows? Maybe we can expand to include Carly too?”

Oliver’s mouth dropped and he stammered. “Carly? What...does she have to do... I mean, Carly?”

Tess laughed at his discomfort. “Dad, the vibe between you two today was obvious.”

“Obvious, huh?” To everyone? Probably. They hadn’t exactly been hiding their attraction as they worked together. They’d laughed and flirted and touched more than they usually did. They hadn’t come out and said anything, but he’d caught the looks Callan and Dex had been sending their way and he also saw the disappointed expression on Sebastian’s face.

“And smell like her perfume,” Tess said with a raised eyebrow.

Busted. He ruffled his daughter’s hair and his shoulders relaxed. “So...if there was something happening between Carly and me, you’d be okay with it?”

Tess nodded, scooping up the tiny kitten as it yawned and closed its little eyes. “I think I’d be okay with it. And I think Mom and Catherine would be too.”

Hearing the validation from his daughter was the last hurdle Oliver’s heart needed to take the plunge. Simple. Easy. No pressure. That might be a problem when he was suddenly all in for chaos. Passion. And commitment.

TESSHADTHINGSwell under control at Sealena School the next day and Carly’s pride watching the little girl was suddenly combined with something else. She loved Tess. She always had and being her main female role model all these years was an honor that Carly had cherished and taken seriously.

What happened to their dynamic now? If Carly and Oliver were going to be together, what would that mean for Tess? How would the little girl feel about a new woman in her dad’s life? In hers? Would the transition be an easy one, as they already loved and respected one another, or would it take more time to integrate into a different role?

Whatever Tess needed, they’d do. Just like they’d agreed on slow and steady for their new connection, they’d take the same cautious, careful approach with Tess.

Carly watched as the ten-year-old expertly explained the mysterious artifacts they’d discovered in the waters surrounding Port Serenity that pointed to Sealena’s possible existence while also having other plausible explanations. The goal of Sealena School wasn’t to trick people into believing the Serpent Queen existed by showing items to fulfill the prophecy, but to educate and open minds to what could possibly be lurking below the surface of the ocean. It was a fun, informative addition to the bookstore, and the kids who visited town loved it.

Sebastian looked a little less enthused as he sat among the children in attendance that day, but Carly suspected his mood had more to do with the float building the day before. He’d been polite and friendly when he’d entered the store, but he hadn’t brought her usual coffee or lingered at the counter to flirt with her. He too must have sensed the connection developing between her and Oliver, and Carly was grateful that she didn’t necessarily have to have that conversation...
