Page 30 of Entranced

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While she did as she was told, he collected water from the fridge and a few items from his toy bag. When he entered the room, she was where she should be, her crimson hair cascading over her fair skin, her emerald-green eyes glistening with expectation, her delicate hands folded dutifully in her lap. Tempting as it was to simply walk over and ravish her, he collected himself and strolled to where she sat. He placed his goodies on the end table, then took her hands in his.

“Are you ready, Teigen?”

“I’m not sure. What are we doing?”

Good girl.She was looking out for herself and taking it seriously. He was proud of her and relieved as well. He could rely on her to communicate with him about anything that wasn’t going right for her.

“I’m hoping that after I make you come, you’ll want me to take you fully.”

A sigh of relief escaped her lips. “God yes. I was hoping for that too.”

Thank fuck. “Then let’s get started. Remember your safe words?”

“Yes.Redfor stop,yellowslow down,greenfor I’m good.”

“That’s it. Now lie back on the bed arms up, legs spread as far as you can.”

She scrambled to get in place, reassuring him in her eagerness that she desired this as much as he did. Nothing could have pleased him more.

He secured her to the bedposts with leather cuffs. As each cuff was locked on, her breathing accelerated. It was almost as though he could hear her heart thumping in her chest. Slowly, he stroked her body, starting from her neck and moving down her smooth skin until he reached her feet, where he gave her double the attention. Touching her thrilled him, each caress eliciting a sigh or a squirm, causing his own body to heat in response.

“That feels soooo good.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

He wanted her relaxed, but not so much that she’d fall asleep. Trailing his hands along the inside of her thighs, he applied more pressure. Her pelvis rose, and he pressed her back into the mattress, skimming over her mound and moving up toward her breasts. Her eyes flew open when he squeezed a nipple.

“Now I’ve got your attention.”

Eyes riveted to his, she answered, “My whole body is at attention. I love having your hands on me.”

“I’m glad. Now let’s see how you like having my mouth on you.”

Turning to the hardened peaks just calling for his attention, he drew one into his mouth and teased it with his tongue. She began to moan, which raised to a crescendo as he licked and lightly bit her. His dick strained against his zipper, eager to get its turn.

Forcing himself to concentrate on her rather than his own raging need, he trailed his tongue down her body, exploring her hills and valleys until he arrived at the fragrant plump pussy straining for his touch. Positioning himself between her legs, he licked up her slit, opening her pussy with his tongue. He circled her clit then sucked it in his mouth, holding it in place gently with his teeth. The more he licked, the higher the octave her moans rose. Her trembling body struggled against her bonds, every muscle tensed, until he finally bit down harder and pressed his tongue firmly against her clit.

She exploded, her whole body vibrating inside and out. He held her hips firmly in place as she rode out her orgasm, allowing her to feel his dominance as he continued to lick her, savoring the sweet nectar pouring from her. When her body finally calmed, he grinned at her. “That’s one.”

* * *


He had to be kidding. There was no way she was going to be able to have another orgasm like that today. It was an accomplishment for her to have one, much less two. But Ellison seemed so confident, it was hard to doubt him.

Her eyes threatened to close as she relaxed, but she couldn’t resist watching him as he divested himself of his clothes. Slim as he was, his muscles visibly flexed as he moved, and her craving for him intensified as more and more of his body was revealed. A rush of desire invaded, her clit throbbing despite the fact she’d just come.

How was that possible?Never before had she had such sustained lust sweep through her.

He removed his pants and underwear in one swift move, revealing a cock that was long and by no means slim. She licked her lips, hoping he’d let her taste him.

The look he gave her as he stalked toward the bed felt as though it could singe her skin. He grabbed a condom off the table and she was riveted as she watched him slide it over his turgid length.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, stroking himself and capturing her gaze.

“Please, sir, yes.” So wrapped up in the moment, she forgot she was bound as she reached for him. Being stopped by the bonds emphasized his control over her, ramping up her own desire.

He positioned himself over her, notching his cock against her entrance. To her dismay, he didn’t thrust forward immediately, tracing his cock around her clit a few times, driving her crazy.

“Please, sir, please!”
