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She hummed. “I’m just wondering if colors look the same to everyone else as they do to me.”

Deke felt his brows draw together. “What?”

“Well … we can’t know for sure that we all see the exact same thing when we look at a color, can we?” she asked. “My version of yellow could be different from yours, and we’d have no clue. And before you go thinking that our eyes can be trusted to see things exactly as they are, just note that leaves are not really green.”

Honestly, he had no clue why her brain latched onto crap like this, and he’d given up trying to figure it out. “I’d tell you to look it up, but you don’t like reading about anything that involves science.”

“Because scientists lie.” She slid off his back and moved to stand before him. “They shape our view of the world with bullshit from when we’re young so we’ll miss the truth even when older.”

“I really don’t think that’s the case.”

“Because they’ve successfully brainwashed you.” She gently patted his cheek. “It’s so sad.”

Ignoring Isaiah’s chuckle, Deke fisted her sweater. “No one has brainwashed me, least of all scientists. They deal in logic—something I’m aware you fail to grasp.”

“Preaching logic is another way to shape and control you. Do what’s rational, follow the rules, blend with the flock.” She cupped his chin. “Don’t let them trap and rule you.”

Jesus Christ. “There is no trap.”

“You have so much to learn, young grasshopper. Stick with me, kid. You’ll be fine. I’ll open your eyes to reality in time.”

“My eyes are wide open.”

“And seeing only what scientists tell you to see. Hello, brainwashed.”

He released her sweater and threw up a hand. “Okay, this conversation is just plain over.”

“It’s a good sign that my questions make you uncomfortable. It means you’re starting to believe I might be right but you’re not ready to face it yet. I can work with that.”

“There’s nothing to—” Deke stopped speaking and dragged in a breath. “You know, I don’t know why I bother appealing to you with rationality. It’s not like I’m unaware it won’t work, or that you’ve ever pretended to care for logic. I signed up for crazy, and it’s exactly what I’m getting.”

She smiled. “But you love me anyway.”

He felt his expression soften. Gripping her hip, he pulled her closer. “More than I thought I could love anyone, even if you are fucking certifiable.”

“Hmm, prove it and kiss me.”

“That I can do.”
