Page 10 of Ski Patrol

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But watching him here now while he laughed with me, cared for me, and helped me plan my future was like seeing the promise of something incredible just out of my reach. Dallas was too good to be true. He was kind and attentive, caring and funny. He was smart and thoughtful and sexy as hell.

Men like that never wanted someone like me for more than a fuck.

“Your eyes are closing,” Dallas said with a soft laugh. “I think you need a break.”

“No. I’m enjoying this. It’s exciting. Well, it will be once I find a cheaper place to live than Jackson Hole, at least.”

It was true. In all the forecasting Dallas had done for me, it had become apparent I needed to move out of the expensive area where I currently lived.

“You could move here,” he suggested, shifting around to make sure my leg was still propped up comfortably. “It’s much more affordable than Park City was, so I’m sure it would be more affordable than Jackson.”

His suggestion sent bubbles of happiness and acceptance through me. Knowing I’d have a friend in him if I moved here was comforting. I already knew I liked the vibe of Aster Valley, and it had many of the same things I loved about Jackson.

“Stay with me if I fall asleep?” I murmured, not wanting him to leave even if I lost the battle to stay awake. Had I been more lucid, I might have been too hesitant to ask, but I was just sleepy enough to let my guard down.

“If you’re sure,” he said. I felt the bed move as he found a more comfortable position next to me. He was careful not to knock my injured leg, but because we were in a small double bed and he was a big, broad guy, he still moved against me.

Once he settled down, I rolled a little bit onto my side and blinked my eyes open to face him. “Thank you for being so damn nice to me. You’re a good friend.”

Dallas reached out and used his fingertip to brush a wrinkle in the pillowcase away from my eye. “You’re easy company,” he said softly. “I really like getting to know you. I… I’d like to keep getting to know you.”

He moved his fingertip across my cheek and along my jawline while I couldn’t do more than stare at him in disbelief. Was he attracted to me? Could this be real?

“Same,” I admitted.

We stayed like that for a long time, staring into each other’s eyes while Dallas’s fingers drew lazy lines across my skin. I fought to keep my eyes open, to enjoy every second of his attention, but I must have fallen asleep at some point because I awoke later when the light had turned from golden to a deeper amber color.

Dallas was still next to me, but we’d ended up with my head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me. He smelled amazing and felt warm and strong. He was awake and scrolling through his phone, and it took me a minute to realize he was watching my yoga videos on the SocialAdrenaline app.

He must have sensed my surprise because he turned to me with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, but I can’t stop watching. You’re magnetic. You have this incredible way of welcoming your students with humor and grace and seamlessly transitioning into a more serious, calming focus for the class itself.”

His words went straight to my heart. I took a lot of pride in my work, and hearing him praise it was a gift. “Thanks,” I said, sounding a little groggy from the sleep.

Dallas shifted again so I could see him without craning my neck. “BJ… I don’t understand how it’s possible you’re single.”

I snorted out a laugh without thinking. “It’s not for lack of trying, I promise.”

The look on Dallas’s face was tender and sweet. “Maybe you’ve been trying with the wrong people,” he said softly. “What if you tried with m—?”

Before he could finish, I lurched up and kissed him. It wasn’t pretty or dignified at all, but from the way his arm tightened like a firm band around my back, I didn’t think he minded much.

We kissed hungrily for a long time. Dallas’s large body felt amazing under me until he recalled my injury.

“Shit, fuck. Babe, is your knee hurting?”

The little crease of concern in his forehead was everything to me. “It’s okay. Mostly hurts if I bend it a certain way.”

He caressed the side of my face. “You’re sexy as hell. I want to strip you down and fuck you so badly. I’m having a hard time holding back.”

I nodded stupidly. “Same.”

Dallas’s grin widened. “Same like you want to fuck me or same like you want me to fuck you? Either way is fine as long as it doesn’t hurt your knee.”
