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My climax wasn’t far behind. I thrust one last time, burying myself down to my balls as I collapsed on top of him, my arms giving out as I filled him with my load. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, moaning with every shot, my legs stretching out behind me. It was ecstasy in a way I couldn’t even begin to describe. Rainbows and butterflies and pots of gold erupted all around us. The bed formed a cloud, and the moon served as a spotlight, shining down on the two of us.

“Holy shit,” I said into Eric’s neck, my breaths coming in fast. “Wow.”

“Yeah, you took the words right out of my mouth.” He chuckled, his chest rising and falling with the sound. I slowly pulled myself out of him, a squelch sound making us both chuckle. I kissed his chin, his cheek, his lips, smiling as I lay down on the bed next to him, a leg tossed over his, my swollen and slick cock pressing against Eric’s thigh.

“Now I see why tops have it so easy. They don’t have to prep, and they get to feel that good? Who do I have to write a letter of complaint to?” I joked.

“I’m not sure. Ru Paul? Cher? The HRC?”

“Hillary Rodham Clinton?”

“No, the Human Rights Campaign.”

I nodded before I started to laugh, both of us cracking up, our bodies floating on a river of pure bliss. I didn’t want this night to end. After everything we’d been through, after getting a taste of how boring and empty my life felt without Eric, I knew that moments like these had to be cherished. I had to tuck this night away into the “unforgettable” file.

Little did I know, it was about to become a whole lot more memorable.

“It’s raining,” Eric said, looking out the window. Our bedroom faced out to the yard, which was currently in bloom with all the spring flowers I had planted. A wall of purple lavender hugged the fence that surrounded the property, washed in the light of the brightest full moon I’d ever seen, fighting through the sparse clouds that seemed intent on keeping the drizzle going. We planted it to remind us of our time in France.

“Come,” Eric said, getting off the bed and heading toward the bathroom. “Let’s clean up and go outside for a second.”

“Outside?” I asked, arching a brow. “Why don’t we stay inside and go for round two?” I rebutted.

“Because I want to dance in the rain with you.”

I cocked my head. Eric had shown spurts of romance before, but this was the most romantic thing I’d ever heard him want to do. I smiled, getting up and following him into the bathroom, where we took a couple of quick bird baths before we each pulled on a pair of house shorts. Eric had to get something from the room—I figured he wanted to film this since he had gotten pretty deep into filmmaking lately. I had a sneaking suspicion he was making some kind of movie about us, but I wasn’t entirely sure.

He met me at the sliding glass door that led into the yard. It wasn’t a heavy rain, but still enough to soak the concrete around the pool and turn it a dark gray. I looked at Eric, seeing the same kid I’d fallen in love with on that first day in the academy. The one I’d stayed up all night watching South Park with, wondering if one of us would ever make a move.

I grabbed his hand, and we both stepped out, barefoot, the rain falling down in soft sheets. I laughed, feeling like the magic in the moment far outweighed the absurdity in it. Eric opened his phone, but instead of filming, he pressed Play on a song and set it down on the covered patio before coming back to my side. He took my hand in his, placed another on my hip, and we started to dance. It was likely terrible and would make a professional choreographer want to rip their hair out, but to me, it was perfect.

It was midnights like this that made me believe in love. I looked into Eric’s eyes, rain dripping down his face, over his lip. I brushed some of it off his cheek, resting my hand there. “I love you so much, Eric.”

“I love you, too, Colt. With every fiber of my being.” Raindrops wet his long eyelashes. I kissed him again, tasting the rain on his lips. He wrapped me up in a tight embrace, our dancing turning into a slow two-step, moving side to side, feeling the rhythm of the music blend with the beat of the falling rain. It was a storybook moment, and I couldn’t imagine sharing it with a better person.
