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“Fuck, you taste sweet.” He put his hands on either side of my face. “I never want to stop kissing you, gorgeous…”

“I don’t want you to.”

“I’d like to take you out on a date,” he whispered, one hand palming my ass as the other dug into the hair at the base of my skull. “Dinner…” He trailed his tongue along my jaw, making goose bumps break out on my skin. “Maybe dancing…” His breath was warm against my cheek. “A nightcap at my place.”

“Mmm.” Words eluded me. He was barely touching me, yet my body tingled with arousal.

“Then—” He cut off abruptly as a cry came from the bedroom.

“Joey!” We moved in unison, rushing to my room and throwing open the door.

The boy was thrashing around on the bed, obviously having a nightmare, his little face screwed up in either pain or fear.

“Hey, buddy.” I slid into bed next to him, wrapping my arms around his small body. “Hey, wake up. It’s just a dream. Joey?”

His eyes snapped open and he jerked in surprise before recognition dawned and he relaxed against me.

“Look who’s here,” I whispered, stroking his hair.

“Uncle Boone!” He threw himself into Boone’s arms the moment he saw him, curling against his chest.

“What were you dreaming about, big guy?” Boone asked, cradling him.

“A monster.” Joey’s voice broke. “It was big and black with red teeth. It was chasing mommy and she was running and crying.”

“It’s just a dream. Mommy’s working on something important, remember? But she’s fine. And she’ll be back before you know it.”


“I promise.” Boone’s eyes met mine across the bed and I nodded encouragement, thinking what a great dad he was going to be someday.

“I’ll get his backpack,” I whispered, sliding off the bed.

I’d already gathered Joey’s things earlier in anticipation of Boone’s late arrival, so I was surprised to feel his hand on my back a moment later.

“Date night,” he said under his breath. “As soon as we can make it happen between practice, games, camp, your schedule, and Joey’s.”

“We’ll figure it out.”

He stroked his knuckles across my cheek. “You can count on it.”

“Good night, Boone.”

“Good night, gorgeous.” He threw Joey’s backpack over his shoulder and then scooped the boy up as he padded out of the bedroom.

“See you tomorrow,” I called to Joey.

“Bye, Jolie.” Joey’s eyes were already closing as his head landed on Boone’s shoulder.

“Soon,” Boone mouthed to me.

I leaned against the door after I’d closed it behind them, taking a moment to let the evening’s developments wash over me.

I’d kissed Boone.

Then he’d kissed me back.

And we were going out on a date.

“Thanks, Grandma,” I whispered.



Andy picked up the phone on the first ring, sounding more like himself than he had in a long time.

“Hey, Mikey, how are you?” he said.

“Can’t complain. You busy?”

“Not really. Carrie’s still at work and Mom took Mason to the grocery store. We’re making lasagna when they get back.”

Dishes clinked in the background. That meant he was out of bed, which was great.

“What are you doing while they’re gone?” I asked.

“I’m emptying the dishwasher.” He laughed. “I know it sounds stupid, but this is the stuff I miss the most when I’m down for a few days after treatment. I did three loads of laundry today and it was awesome.”

If only he could see my house. I was lucky to get the dishes done once a day with Joey here. Caring for him had given me a newfound respect for anyone who took care of young kids.

“When’s your next treatment?” I asked him.

“In a couple of weeks. I’m starting a cedar chest for Mom in my workshop, hoping to get it done before the next treatment. Don’t tell her, though. It’s a Mother’s Day gift.”

I scoffed and grinned at the same time. “You douchebag. That’s an epic gift. Now I can’t just send flowers without your gift making me look bad.”

“I mean, you can. The favorite kid has to do something extra special for her, so you’re off the hook.”

“Favorite, my ass.”

He cleared his throat. “Hey, while I’m by myself, I wanted to tell you…Emma called Mom.”

My heart rate kicked up at the mention of our sister’s name. Joey was over at Lars and Sheridan’s house because they were hosting a sleepover for all the Mavericks’ kids tonight. Their new house had an indoor pool, so the kids had all gone over midafternoon to swim.

“Really?” I said, not sure whether I wanted to let him know I’d heard from her, too.

“She said she’s starting rehab. Mom said she sounded better than she has in a long time. She didn’t ask Mom for anything, either. She just wanted to apologize and tell her she’s working on getting better.”

“Yeah, I actually heard from her, too. She came to my apartment and I’m the one who took her to rehab.”
