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He had to do something to try and rectify this massive misstep. Deacon leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, wondering as to the type of man his beloved was and whether he had a chance in hell of ever putting this right. A few minutes of misplaced, irritated anger may well end up coloring the rest of his life. The sun had risen, and the day was beginning, but he felt as if the world were ending; his world was ending.

Gage put in a call to Eddie at just after eight in the morning. Able would not be in until after ten since the bar opened at noon, so there was time to have his car returned. Able hadn't mentioned it last night, not having noticed that his car was not in the lot, but this morning he would see and question him about it. Eddie was his only hope at this point.

"Hello, Gage; it's so good to hear from you," Eddie answered, always chipper even at eight in the morning.

"I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch, but you know. . . the palace and DuCane and all, it's really intimidating." Gage began casually with the intention of getting to the point as quickly as possible.

"I understand; Joe felt the same way until he got his own intimidating boyfriend." Eddie chuckled. "So, what can I do for you?" Eddie made it easy on him, and Gage loved him for that.

"I had a run-in with DuCane security last night. I was taking pictures and wandered onto Coven territory." Gage was trying to explain in as few words as possible, not wanting to get into the details of the nightmare he had endured last night.

“Are you okay?” Eddie was genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but they dropped me home after, and my car is parked on County Road 48 near the Maple Ridge turn-off. Able doesn't know about what happened, and he'll be pissed if he finds out. I was wondering if you'd pick up my car and park it in the lot here before he comes to work at 10. I left the keys under the seat. I have no way of getting out there apart from hiring a cab, and I can't afford that." Gage held his breath, and the answer came immediately.

"Of course I will. No problem. I'll leave the car in the lot and let you know when it's there. Able will never know." Gage thanked him, and they said their goodbyes. Gage lay there for another ten minutes before struggling to his feet and stumbling into the bathroom to wash up.

He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt and then went back to bed. The exertion and effort it took to do so little was shocking. He lay there, ready to answer the phone, when Eddie called. He didn't want Able to inadvertently pick it up downstairs. He sure hoped Eddie returned the car before Able arrived, not that the man would hurt him, but Able had his rules, and he never bent those rules.

His two primary rules were never involving the cops in private business and never involving the Coven in private business, and Able saw all his business as private. The last time he broke one of these rules was in high school when he inadvertently shared with one of his teachers that Able sometimes kept the Zen bar open past two-thirty for special customers.

The teacher shared that tidbit with the cops, and Gage found himself sleeping in the broom closet off the kitchen for a month and with the constant threat of being kicked out. That was a stressful time of his life, and he had no desire to revisit that period. It was nine-thirty-five when the call came in, and relief flooded Gage.

"It's in the lot, and the keys are back under the seat." He told him.

"Thank you so much. You saved my life." Gage gushed.

"Not a problem; glad I could help."

“Do you need a ride home?” Gage asked him, but was hoping he didn’t since getting out to his car would be a sure test of endurance.

“No, Robert followed me in and will drive me home.”

“Thank him for me.”

"I will, and let's try to keep in touch this time. Maybe you could come to dinner this weekend." Eddie was a good guy, but Gage could not imagine showing his face on coven land again so soon.

“I think I should stay away from the coven for a while until they forget about my trespassing.”

"Think about it, and I'll check with you again on Friday." Eddie was not going to take no for an answer.

"Okay, I'll think about it, and thanks again." With that, he closed the call and went back to sleep. It seemed like just seconds before, someone came barreling into his room, ranting and raving about stupidity and betrayal.

It took Gage a few seconds to get his one good eye open, and what he saw was Able standing over him, looking like he wanted to kill him. Fuck, this was going to get a lot worse before it got better; he could just feel it in his bones.


Deacon showered and changed and tried to prepare himself to go see his beloved. It was a terrible situation, but he had to somehow find a way to make things right. He hadn’t seen Gage or the extent of the abuse he suffered from Trenton, but Deacon was hopeful that there was still a way forward for them.

Deacon decided that he needed to discuss this with someone, get the thoughts out of his head, and get a little advice and guidance. He came up through the ranks with the field operatives. Bastian was a good friend but not available, and Raul but he and his beloved were on holiday in the Caribbean.

After taking the post of commander at the Coven proper, Deacon became friends with Robert and Quincy. Quincy was off with his two hellhound beloveds, but Robert was at the Palace, and they'd spoken just yesterday.

"Do you have time to meet with me this morning?" He called him, and it sounded like Robert was in a car.

"Sure, I'll be back at the palace within the hour," Robert responded and then added. "I had an errand to run with Eddie, so after I drop him off, we can meet. Is it business or personal?" Robert chuckled.
