Page 113 of Love Me Always

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“Ruined? No, it’s anything but.” I sighed as my ribs vibrated. “I just wish I acted differently about it then, but unfortunately, I can’t turn back time.”

“You reacted the same way many others would have. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He smiled a friendly smile, and I knew then why Lorenzo liked him. “All that matters now is that you’re happy with Lorenzo and can live a wonderful life together.”

“Thanks, Gabriele.” I didn’t speak after that. I relaxed and let my mind drift to how I treated my father years ago.

He was only doing what he thought was best for me and the Bratva, creating an ally for long after he was gone.

“How’s it going?” Lorenzo spoke from behind the curtain that blocked his view.

“Perfect timing, she’s all done.” Gabriele wiped away the excess ink and wrapped it up.

“Your turn, bud.” Gabriele smiled as Lorenzo slipped through the curtain.

“Show me what you got,amore.” His eyes dropped to my wrapped ribs and the smile that formed was heartwarming. “You went for the ribs then.”

“Easily hidden,” I joked as Lorenzo gripped my chin in his thumb and forefinger, his lips dangerously close to mine.

“You know that’s not true.” He kissed my lips roughly as Gabriele cleared his throat behind us.

“You know I’m still here, right?”

“I can make you disappear easily enough.” I knew he was joking, but Gabriele looked instantly sheepish.

“He’s joking!” I swatted Lorenzo’s hand and lips away. He quickly positioned himself on the tattoo bed.

“I’ve known this dick long enough to know he’s joking, so don’t worry, Ana.” Gabriele placed the stencil on the side of Lorenzo’s forearm.

“That’s pretty big.” I peered over Gabriele’s shoulder as the stencil took up the space between his wrist and elbow.

“Makes it easier to see.” He winked as I headed back to the reception area to wait until he was done.

I relaxed on the sofa and flicked through the many pictures we had taken together during our stay here and I was enjoying the one from the beach when my father’s name popped up on my screen.

“Papa, everything okay?”

“Yes, of course, why wouldn’t it be? I just wanted to check in and see how everything’s going.” I could hear his smile through the phone.

“Everything is great, we’re having an amazing time.” As I finished my sentence, the tattoo gun buzzed, and although I was far enough away, I knew my father would hear it.

“Where are you and what is that buzzing?”

“Lorenzo is getting a tattoo.”

“Doesn’t he already have one? What’s he getting?” he queried.

“That’s rich coming from you since you’re covered in them.” I scoffed.

“What’s he getting?”

“My name just as I got his.” I smiled as I glanced down my tank covered tattoo.

“Please tell me you’re fucking joking!” His voice went from calm to livid within a split second.

“No, I’m not joking, and besides, you have Mama’s, mine and Miles’, so what’s the big deal?”

“You’ve been married five fucking minutes!”

“It’s not as though you or Lorenzo would allow a divorce, so calm down before you pop a vein.” I laughed and even though I knew I shouldn’t, I couldn’t help it.
