Page 114 of Love Me Always

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“I’ll be having words with that husband of yours once you get back, branding my daughter, who does he think he is.” I couldn’t quite tell if he’d calmed down or if he was ready to smash something, possibly Lorenzo’s face.

“You already said, my husband.”

My father kept me company whilst Lorenzo inked my name permanently onto his skin, and honestly, it was nice to catch up after the wedding since Lorenzo whisked me out of the reception pretty sharpish. I heard my name pop up behind the curtain a few times and although I didn’t eavesdrop, I wanted to.

Once he was done, Lorenzo was beaming with his new addition as I held his arm to admire my name that now decorated his skin.

“My papa isn’t happy with you.” I smirked, and he knew exactly why without me saying anything else.

“I’ll handle your father. He’s a pussy cat compared to me, don’t worry.”

After paying for our ink, Lorenzo led me out of the door, his hand on the small of my back.

“Now, let’s go home so I can decorate your skin in other ways.” Although he was behind me, I could sense his cocky smile and it lit a fire inside me and honestly, after that I didn’t think I’d ever moved so fast to get home in my entire life and neither had he.

* * *

Unfortunately, after an incredible week in our secluded villa, it was time to return home. We touched down in New York late on the Friday evening. Lorenzo drove since he didn’t want to wake the guys to collect us. It was nice having the last moments of alone time together though before morning where no doubt Red will irritate me for his gift and the others want to know how it was. Rain hammered down against the road as Lorenzo slowed down a little as he could barely see since the wipers were working overtime.

“I can see you worrying.” He glanced over at me briefly as to not take his eyes off the road for too long.

“I’m not, it’s just a little dangerous and…”

“And nothing, I’m driving carefully, I wouldn’t risk harming you in anyway.” He smiled. “I promise.”

“I trust you.” He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss upon my knuckles, and without thinking, he looked at me if only for two seconds.

“Ana, I love—”

“LORENZO! WATCH—” I screamed louder than I thought possible, but I never got to finish my cry.

Lorenzo swerved swiftly as he tore his hand from mine to grip the wheel. No matter how hard he tried to control the car, it spun out of control as it flipped into the grass verge.

Two seconds was all it took.

Two seconds to take his eyes off the road.

Two seconds for me to see the headlights speeding towards us with no intention of stopping.

Two seconds for the car to flip.

Two seconds for Lorenzo to black out.

I could see the blood stream from the gash on his forehead as I saw the light in his eyes dim just before he shut them. My screams still rang in my ears as did the screeching of the tires on the wet tarmac; it was a sound that would stay with me alongside the image of Lorenzo trying to protect me with his arm as we flipped.

They would never be forgotten.

“Lorenzo, open your eyes for me, please!” I cried, and although it felt like a cry, it came out nothing more than a mere whisper. “Please.” I hung from my seat like a ragdoll. Lorenzo hung lifeless and limp. “Please…” I felt myself slowly giving in to the darkness and although I tried to fight against it the way my papa told me, it had become too difficult.

The eerie silence was interrupted by the sound of a stopping car. I heard the door slam, and I knew we had been found, we would be safe, and most importantly, Lorenzo would be okay.

“Miss, are you okay?”

“Help us…” Again, nothing more than a whisper.

“I’m going to get you out first.” His gentle voice spoke over the shards of glass falling beside my ear.

Slowly, the guy I couldn’t see in the dark clung to me to maneuver me out the broken window but not without a couple of scratches. The pain was nothing compared the pain in my chest, my heart.
