Page 115 of Love Me Always

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The pain of Lorenzo being worse than I was.

The man held me in his arms, and he jogged up towards his car as I slowly gave in to the temptation of the creeping darkness.

“My hus—” I croaked.

“He’ll be fine, don’t worry about him.” He placed me in the backseat and that was the last thing I remembered before the lights finally went out.

I could still hearthe gut-wrenching screams that left my wife’s body as our car spun out of control, the ear-piercing sound of the glass shattering around us, and the silence that came after. I only just about heard Ana’s plea for me to stay awake before my body gave in, then I felt nothing, heard nothing.

I could feel myself slowly coming to consciousness to the rhythmic sounds of the monitor I was obviously hooked up to. The tenderness from my body mixed with the throbbing in my temples was too much to handle. I was unable to move my shoulder, the same one that protected Ana when we flipped. I tried to stop it happening, I tried to control it, I tried but it wasn’t enough.

I could feel a hand in mine, but I knew instantly it wasn’t Ana’s, it was my mother’s.

Where the fuck was she?!

Was she okay?!

I fought to open my eyes, not for myself but for my wife, the one I wanted to see, the one I needed to see. I needed her to look at me with those translucent blue eyes of hers and know she was okay, that we were okay.

“Ana—” I just about managed, but the sound of my voice made it sound as though I’d been out a while.

“Lorenzo, baby.” Again, not Ana but the soft voice of my mother.

I strained my eyes open as they adjusted to the fluorescent lighting of the room, but I wished I hadn’t even bothered because Ana wasn’t there. Only my mother and father looked as though they hadn’t slept in days.

“Welcome back, my boy.” My father smiled as he poured me a glass of water.I just wanted her. My wife. Ana.

“Where is—” I strained as I tried to shuffle up the bed a little.

“Lorenzo, Anastacia, she—” My mother choked out her words, and I instantly thought the worst.

“Ma, please don’t say what I think you’re going to say.” My throat felt as though it was being sliced painfully by razorblades with every word I spoke. “Pa.”

“We don’t know where she is, son.” My father bowed his head. He couldn’t even look at me, neither could my mother.

“What do you mean? She was with me in the car!” I forgot I was hooked up to machines and the pain that radiated through my body. I sat bolt upright to look into the eyes or my father who now watched me intently.

“Lorenzo, lie back down.” He soothed.

“No! I need to find my wife! Why are you here? Why aren’t you looking for her?” I fought against the pain as my voice bellowed through the room.

“We’ve been trying, but there’s no trace of her at the moment.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, and I could tell he was distressed.

“So, you’re telling me that between you and Victor and all our fucking men, you’ve found nothing? How is that possible? Who has taken my fucking wife?” I ripped the needles from my arm and kicked my legs over the edge of the bed. I wasn’t going to sit here and wait around for someone to bring my wife back.

“Ana wouldn’t want you out of bed, you’re doing more damage than good,” Victor spoke as he opened the door.

“Ana isn’t here, is she. I have to find her. I can’t lie here while she’s fuck knows where!” I stood unsteadily as I spied my bloody clothes on the chair beside my mother, one that was reserved for Ana.

“Lorenzo, I’m doing all I can to find my daughter and bring her home.”

“What you’re doing is not enough. How long has she been missing?!” I narrowed my eyes at mine and Ana’s father.

“A week.”

“A fucking week?” You could have knocked me over with a feather. I felt breathless and unsteady but at the same time the need to find her fueled my rage and determination to bring her home.

I glanced towards the door to be met by Red, Gino, Emmet, and Miles who looked the same as the two fathers did. I could tell none of them had slept and the looks of sympathy were too much to handle. I didn’t need nor did I want sympathy.
