Page 136 of Love Me Always

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I would never have thought my father would have been the voice of reason, but Lorenzo and I have both gone through something we never expected to, and I could only hope we would be able to get through them together.

* * *

Night had fallen already. The visit with the doctor went as well as it could have, he said I was healing well, and I was to call if I ever needed anything. My parents had demanded they stay with me while the doctor tended to me, which was fair enough, they wanted to be kept up to date on my progress. My mother wished I had been taken straight to hospital, but Lorenzo was adamant he only trusted his family doctor with me. Lorenzo hadn’t arrived home yet, none of the guys had. Nicolo tried his best to get in contact with my husband, but each call had been ignored. He ended up calling Red, who picked up instantly, he informed us that Lorenzo was wallowing in self-pity and he’d started to get sick and tired of it.

As much as I struggled to shower myself, it felt good as every droplet pattered on my back. I felt as if I was myself again. The doctor had even allowed me to wash my hair, but only if I was careful. Which I was. I didn’t have the energy to dry it, so I braided it as best I could, shoved on a pair of sweats and a tank. Which showed off more bruises than before, but I couldn’t care less, why did it have to be me that felt ashamed.It wasn’t my fault. It was theirs and theirs alone.

“Ana, what are you doing?” Nicolo came into the kitchen, giving me an unapproving look.

“I’m making dinner. I needed something to eat.” I stirred the sauce I had on the stove as he tutted in annoyance.

“That looks like a lot of food just for you.”

“I think I got carried away and made too much. I’ll leave it for the guys when they get back.” I smiled but I didn’t even know if they would be back tonight or if my husband would make an appearance.

“Do you need a hand?” he asked.

“I’ve pretty much done it now, thanks though.” I spooned some sauce over the pasta and slid a bowl over the island to Nicolo. “Enjoy.”

He kept me company as we ate so I wouldn’t feel so alone. I appreciated it, of course I did but I couldn’t help but wish it was Lorenzo sitting opposite me. He spoke a lot about his mother as I did about my grandmother.

“I couldn’t get her off the dancefloor at the wedding.” He laughed. “She wouldn’t let me sit down.”

“She had that effect on people.” He pulled out his phone to show me a video Red had taken of him and my grandmother dancing with one another, and I realised I would never get to see that smile again, but at the same time my heart swelled with happiness that I got to see her like this, enjoying life and bringing joy to others.

“That smells fucking incredible!” Red burst through the garage door. He shrugged off his leather jacket and threw it on the chair beside Nicolo. “I know you didn’t make that, Nic.”

“Damn right I didn’t, we have Ana to thank for this.” He smiled as he spooned the last bite into his mouth.

“Ana, shouldn’t you be in bed?” Red raised his brow as he piled the pasta in his bowl.

“I can’t stay in bed anymore, and besides, it’s just pasta.” I placed mine and Nicolo’s bowl in the dishwasher as I felt my husband’s presence instantly. My body stiffened as I wondered what he’d say or even if he’d say anything at all.

“Your wife made dinner,” Red said through a mouthful of food.

“I can see that, but shouldn’t she be in bed?” He sounded distant and it was safe to say that despite being out of the house all day he could’ve sounded more enthusiastic about being home.

“Why don’t you ask her for yourself instead of speaking about her like she isn’t here.” Red sat down at the table and waited for Lorenzo’s next move.

I closed the dishwasher as I turned to face him. His eyes fell to my bruises, especially the fingerprint ones that remained on my arm, his gaze travelled all the way down to the ones that were like a makeshift bracelet.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Once again, he disappeared quicker than he’d appeared and although my father tried to explain it earlier, it didn’t make it any easier.

“Lorenzo!” Nicolo called as he jumped up from the table.

“Not now!” he snapped. It was clear he couldn’t get away fast enough.

We all remained in silence for a moment, nobody spoke, nobody knew what to say and the second Gino and Emmet walked in they knew instantly that something wasn’t right.

“Glad to see you up, Ana, how are you feeling?” Emmet asked as he gave me a hug, something I hadn’t expected, but maybe it was clear how much I needed it.

“Fine, what’s done is done, I’m not letting it faze me. They don’t deserve it.”

“You don’t need to worry about them anymore. They got exactly what they deserved. We all made them pay, Lorenzo more so.” It was the first I’d heard of this, even my father hadn’t mentioned it but then again, we discussed other things this afternoon.

“Thank you. Enjoy your dinner, guys. I’m going to head outside for a bit.”

“Ana, wait, it’s getting cold out.” Gino eyed my attire and immediately handed me his jacket. “Take this.”
