Page 139 of Love Me Always

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I glimpsed at my father-in-law who looked like he wanted to shoot me right here, but I deserved it. I’d welcome a bullet for the way I’d treated her.

The rest of the service was beautiful, and Ana never allowed me to leave her side. Her hand remained in mine the entire time, even during the burial she wouldn’t let go, it was as though she thought I’d disappear, but I wouldn’t do that, not again.

Even though I was there, I wasn’t really, and I knew no matter how many times I’d apologise to her, it would never be enough.

“Are you joining us Lorenzo?” Victor asked through a pissed off expression.

“I was actually going to take Anastacia home.”

“Is that what you want?” He glanced at his daughter as he awaited her response.

“Lorenzo and I have to talk; it will be good to do it before everyone else gets back.” She smiled as she kissed Victor’s cheek.

He took his wife’s hand and led her to the car as Miles turned to look at me, his expression barely saying fuck all.

“Well, all I can say is it’s about damn time.” He slapped me on the shoulder as he winked at me. “If she forgives your shit, then you’re a luckier man than I am.”

“You’re plenty lucky enough, Miles Fedorov.” Loreta appeared right on cue to lead her husband away to the wake.

“Call me tomorrow. I love you, little sis.” He pulled Ana into a tight squeeze and my breath hitched in my throat at the thought of her being in any sort of pain.

“I love you too, Miles.”

“Shall we go,amore?” I asked as Miles finally let her go. He waved at us both and helped Loreta across the grass back to their car.

“Take me home.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes and I started to worry about what she really wanted to say when we got there.

Whatever she wanted to say, I’d shut up and listen for the first time in my life.

* * *

I’d vowed never to kneel to anyone but as I’ve said many times, Ana wasn’t just anyone. She was and always will be the love of my life, and the moment I closed the door behind us, I dropped to my knees before her.

“Lorenzo, please don’t.” She cupped my cheek, and I knew she still loved me. “I don’t need you to kneel for me.”

“I didn’t want to hurt you and the harder I tried not to the more I did. I just didn’t see it and for that I’m so fucking sorry.” I grabbed her hands in mine as our eyes fixated on one another. “I can’t lose you, Ana, you are and always will be the love of my life, is there any way you can forgive me?”


“I vow between us that I’ll spend my life making it up to you if you’ll let me.”

“Lorenzo…” she whispered, and hearing her say my name in such a gentle manner, washed away every bad memory, every arsehole move I made and above all else, it soothed me. “There’s nothing to forgive. We both went through our own shit and it’s how we come out the other side that makes us who we are. That was just a bump in the road, a new emotion we unlocked, and a new fear we never knew we had.” She dropped to her knees as our noses touched.

“But you needed me, and I was a complete cunt to you.”

“I can’t deny that, and I won’t, but I’m here now as are you. So, we can either live in the past and let it break what we have and ruin what we have, or we can move on and live in the present and look forward to the future, together. The choice is yours.” There was no choice, I already knew.

“I want you for the rest of my life, I want everything with you, Ana.”

“And I want it with you.” She smiled as her lips brushed mine and fuck had I missed that. “Lorenzo…” Her voice trailed off as her fingers unknotted my tie with ease.

“Yes, love?”

“Fuck me,” she demanded in that seductive voice that made my cock twitch instantly.

“Ana, are you sure?” I asked, a little taken aback.

“I’ve never been surer. I need you to make everything okay. I need you and only you.”
