Page 146 of Love Me Always

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“You, Lorenzo Ricci, are truly one of a kind.” Loreta hurried off to see what Miles was doing leaving the two of us alone for a moment.

“It’s chaos in here.” I giggled.

“But isn’t this the best type of chaos?” Our families were overjoyed about us bringing a baby into the world. I don’t think I’d ever seen Lorenzo so happy, the smile he wore could easily be a permanent etch on his face.

“Indeed, it is.”

The rest of the evening, we ate, laughed, and everyone drank except for me and Lorenzo. Despite being told it was fine, he had already made up his mind and he’d vowed that until baby Ricci arrived no drop of alcohol would touch his lips.

“Thank you.” He pulled me onto his lap on the sofa as I relaxed into his touch, the tiredness setting in the instant I was enveloped in his embrace.

“For what?” I asked sleepily.

“For everything, for changing me in ways I could have only imagined before, for loving me and putting up with my shit, and of course, for giving me the best gift I’m sure I’ve ever been given.” He tucked a stray tendril behind my ear as his lips lingered near mine, the fear of once caring what others thought had disappeared and as always it felt as though it was just the pair of us in the room. “Anastacia Ricci, you are the love of my life, and without you I realised I was just a shell of a man and that’s not one I wish to be anymore.”

“Take me to bed.”

“Are you tired amore?” he asked, his eyes searched mine for an answer.

“No, I want you to fuck me until morning.” I whispered against his lips; the warmth of his breath brushed mine the moment I ran my tongue along his lower lip.

“You’ll have to be incredibly quiet; we wouldn’t want anyone to hear the noises I hear when I fuck you.” He growled as his erection pressed against my ass.

“I guess you’ll have to gag me then, won’t you.”

“Sorry everyone, Anastacia isn’t feeling great, we’re going to head to bed.” He smiled as he’d already stood up with me still in his arms.

“Make sure you look after my daughter.” Papa narrowed his eyes and I think Lorenzo finally realised just how much of a grudge my father could hold.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that Victor. I plan to take very good care of her,” Lorenzo joked, and I could have died with embarrassment.

“Good.” Thankfully my papa didn’t think anything of Lorenzo’s comment unlike my mother who hid her sweet giggle.

Lorenzo carried me into the bedroom and from the moment the door closed he worshipped every inch of my body as I did his and when I told him to fuck me until morning, that’s exactly what he did… gagged, bound, and fucked… our new favourite way to play.

* * *

Months flew by and we had finally made it to the beginning of December. Although Lorenzo hated Christmas, he had taken me out to choose a tree, helped decorate it and made us hot chocolate for the afternoon.It was absolutely perfect.With February right around the corner everything was ready for the arrival and despite Lorenzo still having plenty of work to do, he made sure he was always home in the evening, the guys had stepped up for him as they understood he wanted to be there for me. I was fine alone but once Lorenzo made up his mind, there was no changing it.

“That looks magnificent.” I clapped with delight as we finally finished the tree.

“You did a fantastic job.” Lorenzo pecked my cheek as his hand rested on my ever-growing bump.


“How are my babies this morning?” Lorenzo asked, his hand caressed my stomach gently.

Yes, that’s right…babies.

Lorenzo and I had been blessed with twins, which had come from Lorenzo’s side of the family; his great grandfather was a twin, and it was something we had never expected or imagined, but after the initial shock, it was safe to say we were more than excited. I knew he was protective, but since finding out I was pregnant, he’d taken the whole protective thing to a whole new level. He wanted to carry me around the house despite me being able to walk just fine, he’d help me put my shoes on even though I’m still able, he had also started to let me fall asleep before him since it gave him the chance to speak to the babies about our love story. He would tell them that although it wasn’t your average fairytale, it would always be his favourite.

It would always be mine too.

“Ana, are you okay? You zoned out.” He immediately interrupted my thoughts.

“Sorry, I was just thinking. Other than fighting with one another endlessly, they’re doing absolutely fine.”

Lorenzo spun me around to face him the distance between us had grown with each passing day and it was a distance neither of us minded since our babies were now the ones in the middle.
