Page 147 of Love Me Always

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“That’s my boys.”

“Boys? Don’t be so sure.” I raised my brow at his assumption; he was adamant it was two boys, but I wasn’t too sure.

He wanted to find out, but I had wanted it to be a surprise and after pouting for long enough he caved as he always did.

“Holy fucking shit! That looks…” Red continued his sentenced with a chef’s kiss gesture as I burst into a fit of laughter, Lorenzo on the other looked fit to burst, in three, two, one….

“Watch your language around the babies!” He snapped as I stood watching this hilarious overprotective man flip the switch to daddy mode.

“They aren’t even born yet.” Red rolled his eyes before he winked at me.

“They can still hear you!”

“Then they’re in for a treat with your vocabulary too.” Red laughed, and I had to admit this man could brighten up any dull day but not as Lorenzo does.

“Oh, fuck off, Red.”

“I knew you couldn’t do it.” He held out his hand to Lorenzo who looked at him like he’s sprouted another head almost instantly. “Dollar in the swear jar.”

“Fuck off, we don’t have a swear jar.”

“That’s another dollar, carry on like this and you’ll have college tuition without having to get your hands dirty with shipments and what not.” Red was a delight, that’s for a sure.

“Carry on like this and I’ll wring your neck.” I gripped Lorenzo’s chin to force his attention back to me.

“Ana, how do you put up with him and his shit?”

“Easily. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, stop winding him up,” I ordered as I glanced briefly at Red smirking in the doorway.

“You’re a saint, I couldn’t do it.”

“You already do, Red. I think you secretly enjoy it,” I joked as a smile played on Lorenzo’s lips.

“That’s debatable, he’s tolerable at best.”

“Do you enjoy living here, Red?” Lorenzo asked, his attention never once leaving me or the bump.

“You know I do… why?”

“Because you’ll be out on your ass if you carry on.”

“You couldn’t live without me, you adore me, you big softy.” Red laughed before he continued. “Anyway, I’m bored of this little back and forth banter now, me and the guys are going out to get the babies their welcome to the world gift.”

“You don’t know the sex yet, so how are you choosing a gift?” Lorenzo quizzed as we both automatically turned towards Red.

“We’re excited, leave us alone.” Red huffed as he turned to meet the others in the kitchen.

“We love you!” I called after him.

“And I love you, Ana. Lorenzo on the other hand, that’s another story.” He chuckled as Lorenzo tsked from beside me.

“Don’t hide your true feelings, Red!” Lorenzo joked as Red raised his hand in a ‘yeah, whatever’ action without turning around. “So,amore, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I’m going to meet the girls for a bit and then relax in the bath.”

“I have some meetings down at the club and then how about I join you?”

“I don’t think there is as much room for the two of us like there was before.” It’s true, I needed more room now I was getting bigger and having Lorenzo in the bath frankly made it uncomfortable.
