Page 148 of Love Me Always

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“Remind me why I got a small bath,” he prompted.

“Because you hated them, so why would you not have.” It’s safe to say, he loved them now.

“Can I drive you to meet the girls before my meeting? I’ll have Red pick you up and bring you home after. They’ll be done gift shopping by then.”

“I can drive myself, you know?” He knew but as I said, protective mode.

“Oh, I know but you’re not.” He smiled. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I just need to grab my coat and shoes.” We headed to the coat closet as he helped me into my sneakers, lacing them tightly so I wouldn’t have to try to redo them later, he held open the new coat he brought me for the winter months, one that fit perfectly around my bump and kept that warm too.

“You wait here, I’ll bring the car around.” He rushed out the garage door as I stepped out the front into the chilly afternoon air.

I was too tired to go out in all honesty, but I didn’t want to tell Lorenzo since I knew he would only make me stay home and rest. Me and the girls meet up at least twice a week, they usually come over but today we decided to head out to the spa together, they’d booked the pregnancy package for me, and I couldn’t be more excited, followed by foodit would be a perfect day.

The moment Lorenzo pulled up I went to step down the stairs to meet him when he jumped out the car, a scowl marring his face.

“Don’t you dare walk down those steps alone!” he shouted as he rushed up to meet me.

“What? Why?” I couldn’t hide my surprise.

“Because they’re icy as fuck and I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.”

“That’s another dollar! These kids are going to be rolling in it,” I joked, which softened him a little. “Lorenzo, you need to stop worrying so much, I am being careful, I’m fine and the babies are fine.”

“I just want to protect you, it’s like I crave the need to protect you.” He sighed. “I can’t explain it, I just need it.” I knew why he needed to protect me, it plays on his mind daily although he assured me he’d gotten over the guilt from after the honeymoon, I knew it still played on his mind occasionally and this was his way of making up for that.

“Baby, it’s fine, I get it.” I ran my thumb across his striking cheekbone as his face relaxed instantly. “Carry me to the car.” I smiled as he scooped me up and carefully strode down the steps towards the car.

“I’ve put your heated seat on already.”

“What would I do without you?” He placed me down on the floor gently as he opened the car door.

“You’ll never have to find out amore, now in you get.” He smiled as I slid into the front seat, that smile was breath taking and one I didn’t think I’d ever get used to.

* * *

“Ah! Look at you!” Robin cooed as she cupped my bump now on full display in a bikini.

“I look…”

“Don’t you dare use anything negative in that sentence!” Tay ordered. “You look beautiful, and I cannot wait to meet these two!”

The moment these two discovered Lorenzo and I were expecting they’d been amazing, as I knew they would. Our children were incredibly lucky to have so many people who already loved them. Each time these two came round to the house they’d bring a gift of some sort, from a pack of diapers to a neutral outfit for each one of them. Even though they’d been told repeatedly not to, they still do and their reason… ‘because we want to.’

“So, pretty mama, you’re going to follow Carol and she’ll pamper you like you deserve, go and relax.” The girls shooed me away as they plotted something, I didn’t need to hear to know, their faces said it all.

Over the next few hours, I was pampered to within an inch of my life and of course, I didn’t complain once, it was heaven on earth and Carol knew exactly what she was doing.

“Thank you, Carol.” I wrapped my robe back around me as she returned my smile.

“You are most welcome, you’re positively glowing, congratulations!” She waved me off as I went to change before meeting the girls in the restaurant which now included my mother, Carmella and Loreta.

“What’s going on?!” I asked, the shock evident.

“Happy baby shower!” Robin squealed; the restaurant was closed off to everyone except us.

“Guys, this is too much…” I burst into tears as I stood by the beautifully decorated table, everything was crisp white with subtle hints of pale yellow and green. Flowers adorned the table, as they’d placed balloons around the restaurant to match the colour theme, there was a flower arch made up of white flowers which the girls made me stand beneath to take a thousand pictures to capture the moment forever. Tay directed me over to the cake, which was too stunning to cut, I was in awe at what they’d done.
