Page 152 of Love Me Always

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“I know but can you blame me?” I stalked over to her as I grasped her chin, to claim her lips, her hands left her bump as she caressed the side of my face. “Happy Valentine’s Day,amore.” I smiled against her lips.

“Happy Valentine’s Day.” She wore the new perfume I’d gifted her at Christmas, still floral but slightly different to her signature one and just as much as her others, it intoxicated me.

I dropped to my knees before her as I flattened my hands on her bump to kiss my diamonds good morning.

“Good morning, my diamonds, I hope you aren’t giving your mama too much trouble.” I’d called them my diamonds since the beginning since that’s what they were. Ana’s diamonds in the dark when we were ripped apart, it seemed only fitting that’s what they go by.

“They can’t wait to come out.” Ana sounded exhausted. The number of times she had to get up to pee during the night or toss and turn to get comfortable irritated me and not because I was awakened too, because I couldn’t do anything to help her.

“Anytime now.” I smiled as I rose to my feet. “Are you sure you’re okay if I head to the club today? I need to meet the shipment supplier to go over new numbers.”

“Lorenzo, go, it’s fine.”

“I’ll leave Nic here if you need anything.” Nicolo had moved in and was now a valued member of my team, we rebuilt our relationship, and we were more like brothers now rather than cousins.

“The longer you stand her rabbiting on, the longer you’ll be. So, get dressed and get a move on,” she ordered, and fuck, I loved it.

“Okay, I’ll pick you up some fries and an ice cream on the way back.” Her newest craving was fries dipped in vanilla soft whip ice cream.

“You’d better make that two lots, I’m not sharing with you,” she teased. I hated how right she was. She made me try it one evening, and I couldn’t hide the fact I actually liked it, so she shared hers with me until she made me buy my own.

“Okay, two orders.” I kissed her quickly before she left to head downstairs, and I got ready for the day.

I arrived at the dimly lit club with Red and Gino as Emmet waited for Rox to arrive.

“So, what are your Valentine’s Day plans?” Red winked.

“I’m going to let Ana pick a movie while she eats what she’s craving and hopefully she’ll get a better night’s sleep.”

“Ah, Gino, they grow up so fast, don’t they?” Red joked as I swatted the back of his head.

“If you’d like to live to see the babies, then I suggest you shut your mouth, dickhead.” I rolled my eyes as Rox entered the room, stinking it up instantly with his cheap aftershave, all the money he makes with us you’d think he’d get something decent.

“Lorenzo, how wonderful to see you! How’s married life treating you?” He smiled; his gold canine tooth gleamed the second the light hit it.

“Couldn’t be better, which is why I don’t fancy being here all day, I need to get back soon.”

“Don’t you trust her home alone?” He smirked a devilish grin, and I had the urge to slice my blade across his neck.

“Remember who you’re talking to,” I snapped, and he instantly backed down.Pussy.

“I apologise. I didn’t mean any offence.” He sat down in the booth opposite me. “You did pull a cracker there though, if I remember rightly, she was a fucking knockout.” Does this man have a stop button?!

“If you want this deal to continue and for your head to remain on your shoulders, I suggest you shut the fuck up so we can begin the meeting, or you can get the fuck out.” I slammed my fist on the table as Rox flinched a little.

“Let me apologise over a drink.” He had already poured himself a bourbon from the bottle already and waiting on the table when we arrived.

“I’m not drinking.”

“Too good to drink with me?” Rox tutted.

I was getting incredibly irritated and I wanted nothing more than to tell him to get the fuck out but as annoying as his attitude is, he carried out business well and that’s what I needed right now especially if I wanted to take a little time off with Ana and the babies, I needed it to run smoothly so I could concentrate on them the first few weeks and the guys were in agreement.

“Not at all. Anastacia is pregnant.”

“But you aren’t.” He smiled as he poured me a glass and I was close to my edge.

“No, but pregnant women can’t drink, and since she’s my wife I do what I can to support her, you know, the little things.” I pulled out the paperwork and pen ready for Rox to sign the extension of our contract.
