Page 153 of Love Me Always

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“But she’s not here.” Does he give up?

“Maybe not, but if she goes into labour then she needs me, and I can’t drive her anywhere if I’m over the limit. I wouldn’t risk hers or our babies lives like that.”

“Fine, you win. No drink.” He knocked back his before he poured another.

The meeting was pretty painless after that, his attitude remained in check the second I laid my knife flat on the table. His Adams apple bobbed hard the moment he saw it and once again he knew I wasn’t to be fucked with. Gino and Emmet stood by my side as Red slipped out to answer a call, I was deep in discussion with Rox to worry what he needed to do.

“So, everything is exactly the same, and we’re happy with how you’ve proved yourself, so we want to extend the contract.” I smiled as did Rox who near enough ripped the pen from my hand.

The door to the VIP room flew open, and Red rushed in. He looked flustered as he almost tripped over his own feet.

“Boss!” He stopped before me as we all looked at him a little bewildered. “It’s Ana!” he panted the words out.

“What the fuck do you mean? What’s happened to Ana?!” I jumped up from the booth as Rox sat there watching everything unfold.

“Her water just broke.” I didn’t hear that right, I couldn’t have. She said you didn’t answer your phone, and she’s panicking.” I searched my pockets, and I realised I left it in the car.

“Fuck! Fuck!” I hurried towards the door. “Where the hell is Nicolo?!”

“He’s getting the car ready with her bag and the babies one.”

“Call Nicolo and tell him to take Ana to hospital. I’ll meet them there.” I paused and turned to Rox who had a smile a mile wide. “Rox—”

“Don’t fucking Rox me, go and meet your babies! I’ll sort the contract with Gino.” He nodded at me, and for once, I didn’t think he was a total twat.

I had never driven so fast in all my life. I tried to call Ana, but it went to voicemail, my heart sank at the idea she might have them before I arrived, she’s closer to the hospital than I was, and the traffic was fucking dire!

I dialled Nicolo’s number as the dial tone surrounded the car through the speaker.

“We’re nearly at the hospital. How you doing?” he asked straight off the bat.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be there. Ana, are you okay?!” I near enough screamed to be heard over hers.

“It hurts,” she whimpered, and it broke my heart. I just wanted to hold her and get her through this.

“I know,amore, I know but I’m coming, and I’ll do my best to make it better, I promise.” Her painful screams erupted through Nic’s car as well as my own.

“Drive safe, our babies need you in one piece.”This woman was in pain and yet, she worried about me.

“I will, don’t worry about me.”

“We’re pulling in now; I’ll stay with her until you arrive,” Nicolo reassured me.

“Thank you! Ana, I love you,” I called out.

“I love you too,” she managed to say through pants and tears—almost like our sex session…not the time, Lorenzo, not the time.

The line went dead, and I drove like a bat out of hell until I saw the signs that directed me to the hospital.

Thank God!

I parked and sprinted towards the entrance, then followed the signs to the maternity unit which earned me a mixture of looks on the way.

“Anastacia Ricci. Where is she?!” My Oxfords skidded on the polished floor the second I tried to stop at the desk.

“Let me pull up her records and see what room she’s in for you.” The nurse, as lovely as she was, took her damn time, and I was running out of patience.

“Hurry, please!” I snapped in the nicest possible way; she peered over her tortoise shell glasses as if to tell me she’s going as fast as possible. “I said please, what more do you want?!” I had just about enough of this woman.
