Page 155 of Love Me Always

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An hour and a half later, our babies were finally here, blessing the world with their presence, and we instantly fell in love, it was hard not to. Isabella and Luca Ricci. Isabella was born first with Luca not far behind, and I already knew the older she got, the more she’d never let him live it down.

They were Anastacia’s carbon copy, everything about them—their dainty button noses, perfect pouty lips and even Isabella’s hair matched her mother’s. Luca had my hair. As for their eye colour, we’d have to wait and see.

I couldn’t be prouder of Ana than I am now; she kicked ass during that labour, and although many tried to piss me off and wind me up by saying she’d probably want to smash my face in, she didn’t. She repeatedly told me how I relaxed her, how my support had been everything she needed and how much she loved me. It’s funny, I used to think I only wanted an heir to continue the family name, to continue the legacy our family had built but as I held them in my arms, I understood how having children isn’t about that and how helping Ana with them was something I couldn’t wait to do.

“They’re absolutely perfect, just look at them.” I couldn’t help but get emotional, the feelings I felt overwhelmed me. “You did that.”

“No, we did that.” She giggled and despite being exhausted, I saw her happiness just as she saw mine.

I rested my forehead on Ana’s as I inhaled the same floral scent as I did this morning, Isabella stirred in my arms as she obviously got comfortable while Luca slept peacefully in Anastacia’s, not a stir out of him whatsoever.

“I love you, Anastacia Ricci,” I admitted. “I know I never wanted this life, but now that I have it, I know I’ll never be able to live without it—without the three of you.” It was true. I might have dreaded the thought of a wife and children before, but now the only thing I dread more than that is losing them. How is that possible?

With her, that’s how.

The past fiveyears flew by in the blink of an eye, but many things remained the same.

Mine and Ana’s love for one another was stronger than ever.

The alliance was well known to mafias across the globe, and we were a force to be reckoned with.

Isabella had grown into a sassy five-year-old, she always had something to say just like Anastacia did, she’d inherited her mother’s eyes, two wide sapphires. She might have looked cute and dainty, but she could throw one hell of a punch.

Luca inherited mine, and the older he got, the more he looked like me, which I welcomed happily, he was a character and always made us laugh, but the main thing was he was always there for his sister. He enjoyed spending most of his time with me and the guys when we were home and honestly, we loved him being around.

“So, what do you think?” Red asked as he captured my attention, but not for long as I heard the familiar sound of heels coming down the stairs. “Lorenzo, will you fucking listen?!” Red waved in my face, as he still hadn’t realised that my five-year daughter had heard his beautiful vocabulary.

“Oh, Uncle Red said a swear!” She giggled. “Wait till I tell Mama,” she teased, and I knew she wouldn’t, but it was funny to see Red sweat a little.

“You don’t need to do that, Bells; I’ll add a dollar to the swear jar.” Red rummaged in his pocket to pull out a dollar.

“How about you just give me the dollar, and I won’t tell Mama at all? If you put it in the swear jar she’ll know someone swore.”Oh, she was good.

“Fine, come and get it.” He held out the money to Bella who wobbled all the way over in her mama’s wedding shoes.

“Like taking candy from a baby.” She smiled and it was the sweetest smile you’d ever seen, no wonder everyone was wrapped around her finger. Red huffed as he walked towards the kitchen.

“You’re lucky I love you, Bells,” he called which caused Bella to clap her hands before she shoved the dollar in my hand for safe keeping.

She was a breath-taking little girl; freckles decorated her nose and cheeks, and her ash blonde hair was in natural waves down her back with a few sparkly pins in the side. She’d dressed herself in a crisp white dress that had layers upon layers of tulle that stopped mid-shin.

“Well, good evening, Princess Bella.”

“Papa, I need a prince, and Luca doesn’t want to be the prince. He said he wants to be the monster.” She huffed.

“Well, you know you don’tneeda prince.” I smiled as I dropped to my knees before her, I took her hand in mine as I kissed her knuckles like a prince would do to a princess.

“But I want one to kiss like you kiss mama.” And there it was, the words every father dreaded.

“Kisses are overrated.” I winked; I knew I shouldn’t lie but for things like this I had to.

“Make sure Mama doesn’t hear that.”

“Make sure Mama don’t hear what?” As if on cue, Ana swanned out of the kitchen with a grubby Luca in her arms, his hair had flopped over his forehead and his clothes were covered in dirt. That was the day in the life of Luca, he spent most of it outside and then proceeded to tread mud throughout the house.

“I think these two need a bath, so we can decorate the Christmas tree, don’t you daddy?” Ana smirked and she knew what she was doing, let’s just say it was a slip of the tongue one evening as I fucked her, but it had kind of stuck.
