Page 156 of Love Me Always

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“Mama, can you bath me, and Papa can bath Luca?” Bella smiled sweetly as Ana handed a mud ridden Luca to me which meant I was as covered as the pair of them now, the only neat one in this was Bella.

“Of course, then we can put your Christmas pajamas on, decorate the tree and enjoy a hot chocolate before bed.”

Bella and Luca squealed with delight as Luca wriggled out of my arms to chase his sister up the stairs, obviously to wipe his hands over her dress. She kicked off Ana’s wedding shoes that were of course, too big and sprinted towards her bathroom.

“I don’t think they’ll ever get easier.” I sighed.

“Oh, stop that, you love it!” Ana kissed me quickly before she darted up the stairs to split the kids up. “Sorry, I forgot, kissing’s overrated,” she giggled, and I planned to show her later just how overrated they could be.

* * *

With the guys at the club, we had the house to ourselves to decorate the tree with the kids, who were extremely excited. They wore matching pyjamas; I’d opted for sweats, and Ana had pulled on a comfortable oversized cardigan.

“I’ll do this side with Papa, because he can lift me high, high up!” Bella beamed as she rushed to my side. Luca sat on Ana’s lap as they admired the decorations we had acquired over the years. This had become a family tradition since the kids were old enough and they loved the fact they got new pyjamas and a hot chocolate.

I lifted Bella for her to hang decorations as her delicate hand gripped onto my neck.

“Relax, my little diamond, I won’t drop you,” I reminded her.

“I know.” She smiled as she hung the angel wings on the tree, the decoration Ana had purchased to represent her grandparents, one that each year the kids took in turns to hang.

“These ones are my favourite.” She smiled up at me, as I handed her another decoration.

“Mama,” Luca spoke from the other side of the tree.

“Yes, my angel?”

“I love you lots, like infinity.” I could hear the smile from his voice as Bella whispered‘aww’in my ear.

“And I love you, more than you’ll ever know.” One thing about Ana, she might have been an incredible wife, but she was something else completely as a mother, these children were her world as they were mine but there was something about watching Ana with them every day that warmed me to the core. She doted on them, if she could do it, she would, no matter how hard it might be.

“Me and Luca will go and make the hot chocolates. We’re trusting you with the tree.”

“You got it, Mama!” Bella called as they left. “Papa?”

“Yes, Bella?”

“Will I meet a boy who is nice to me like you are to Mama?” she questioned, a little too early for my liking.

“You will when you’re old enough.” I smiled, but what she didn’t know was there’d be no boys until she was at least thirty.

“Did you love Mama when you saw her for the first time?” This girl and her questions would send me to an early grave.

“It was different when we met, but I wouldn’t change a thing, she’s the love of my life and always will be.” I touched the tip of her nose with my index finger as she did the same to me.

“You are lucky to have Mama, she’s pretty and cooks good!”

“I’m lucky to have you all.” I kissed her cheek as she giggled instantly from the stubble.

“PAPA! I did it!” Luca came bounding in as he jumped into my other free arm.

“Did what, son?” I asked, as me and his sister awaited his response.

“I put the cream and marshmallows on! Mama let me!” He looked so proud as Bella high fived him.

“Did you put extra in ours?” she asked with a devilish grin.

“I put double!”
