Page 157 of Love Me Always

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“Yes! That’s my brother everyone!” she cheered and Luca blushed at her compliment.

We continued decorating the tree until we were all satisfied it was complete.

“I think Santa will love this tree!” Luca clapped as he wore hot chocolate for a mustache.

“Me too, it’s the best one we’ve done!” Bella agreed and she looked just the same, except she also had dried whipped cream on the tip of her nose.

“Right, you two, let’s go and wash these faces and get to bed otherwise we can’t go to pop-pop’s house tomorrow.” They squealed as they darted up to the bathroom. Ana was already hot on their heels.

The kids referred to Victor as pop-pop and that’s where we planned to head to tomorrow for a family day followed by dinner, the kids loved it and since Miles took over, Victor had spent plenty of time with Florence and his grandchildren as had my parents who were also attending. Our parents tried to plan something once a month and although at first, I hadn’t been keen, we now enjoyed it as they tended to keep the kids overnight which meant me, and Ana get some well-deserved alone time. We had a wonderfully supportive family and despite not always seeing eye to eye with Victor, especially after Ana disappeared years ago, but we managed to put all that shit behind us and get along.

“They’re in bed, not sure how long it will take for them to get to sleep since they are using those walkie talkies to communicate.” Ana appeared by my side, wrapping her arms around me instantly. “Do you miss it?”

“Miss what?”

“The newborn stage?” She smiled as I kissed her forehead.

“Honestly, I do.” That was true, I missed when they couldn’t sass me and ask about boyfriends and love.

“What would you say if I told you we’re about to go through it all again?”


“Ana, are you?”

“I’m pregnant! She beamed as if it were our first child all over again. She couldn’t have been happier than she was in this moment. The swelling feeling I felt in my chest was second to none. “Merry Christmas.”

“Best Christmas present ever!” I smiled, pulling her into me to claim her lips. This woman had continued to surprise me over the years, and this was no different.

She was mine.

I was hers.

We were in love.

We were one.
