Page 19 of Love Me Always

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“Does there have to be a reason I come and see my only son?” He clapped his hands together, his smile never fading.

"Of course not, but you know I have a meeting with a new arms supplier in a few of hours, so I'm guessing you wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly?" I arched my brow, awaitinghis response.

"That couldn't be further from the truth; I completely trust you with this transaction." He stroked his stubble with his thumb and index finger.

“Then what can I do for you?”

"I was wondering how you were feeling after last night?" That question earned him an eye roll.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I felt. When she walked into the room, it was as if someone slammed a sledgehammer into my chest, something I hadn't expected. There was no denying how beautiful she was; some would even say she was a knockout, an angel to have on your arm. Despite that, she was about to be on the arm of a man who didn't even want her. I might despisethe thoughtof marrying her, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t admireher beauty, right?


“Last night was interesting to say the least.” He sighed as I poured a bourbon from the liquor cabinet. “Want one?” I tipped my tumbler towards him before downing the amber liquid.

“No, thank you. And you should keep a level head for this evening.” He rose from my chair and rounded the desk.

“My head’s always level.” I lit a cigarette and took my rightful place behind the desk.

Another eye roll, but this time, it came from him.

“Was it when you met Anastacia? Because from where I was standing, you appeared to be extremely uninterested.” He flattened his large palms against the cool steel in front of me.

“I don’t want to speak about last night anymore. To me, she's just as much of a business deal as tonight is.” I leaned back in the chair as if I hadn’t just insulted the darling Anastacia Fedorov.

“Lorenzo, Victor is trusting you with his daughter. I'm not sure whether you noticed last night because your head was somewhere other than where it should have been, but she means the fucking world to him!” He slammed his palms as hard as he could against the desk, attempting to make me give a shit.

"Listen, if she meant that much to him, perhaps he shouldn't have signed her life away. That woman no longer belongs to that family. She belongs to me and me only.”

“You will treat her with the utmost respect, do you understand me?!” He threw my tumbler against the wall.

“I’ll treat her the way I want to treat her. She will be my wife, a wife that obeys her husband.” I winked, and I knew at that moment I had crossed that invisible line.

“I am begging you, Lorenzo. Anastacia is a remarkable young woman. Someone who will be an incredible wife, who if respected and loved will remain by your side no matter what.” He sighed deeply, hoping that I'd eventually givein. But he should have known by now that I wasn't the type to do that. Inever hadbeen.

"I'll let you know how the deal goes this evening. As always, expect positive news." I strodeout the office door, leaving him alone.

Who was he to tell me how I should treat my future wife?

* * *

Sitting back against the plush velvet booth, I gazed down on the club I owned, which was packed with the usual crowd of groups, couples, and individuals looking for a good time.

“Boss, Rox has arrived,” Finn called from the door.

I stood to greet who would hopefully be our new arms supplier, if everything went as planned this evening.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr Ricci." Rox swanned into the VIP lounge, a smile on his middle-aged face and his greying hair neatly slicked back. His silver chest hair crept out from under the collar of his open shirt, which he wore with slim-fitting black pants.

“The pleasure is all mine.” I firmly shook his waiting hand as he withered slightly beneath my grip.

"As you know, I'm a very busy man, and I had to pull quitea few strings to be here this evening, so I hope you'll make it worthwhile for me." He flashed a smile that even a snake would envy.

“I appreciate it. I assure you it will be worth your while and more.” I gestured for him to take a seat beside me.

“That’s music to my ears.” He clapped his palms together as he lowered himself into the booth beside me.

We spent the next hour going through every last detail of our partnership, including his cut and ours.When he learnt how much money he’d make from each transaction, his eyes lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.
