Page 20 of Love Me Always

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“So, I take it we’ve got ourselves a deal?” I crossed my ankle over my thigh, awaiting his response.

“Indeed, we do, Mr Ricci.” He smacked his hand against the marble table before downing his shot of premium tequila.

“You’ll deal with Red regarding the contract.” I gave Red a quick nod as he set the contract down in front of Rox along with a pen.

“Contract?!” He could barely disguise his astonishment in his voice.

"Unfortunately, many people cannot be trusted with cuts and such." He raised an eyebrow, as if to question me. "I'm sure you understand, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes as he nodded. "Red, could you please get things sorted?"

“Of course, Boss.” He went over the contract with Rox, who instantly had his pen at the ready.

Once all the t’s were crossed and i’s were dotted, we sat back and enjoyed a drink with one another.

Red immediately caught the attention of a violet-haired girl practically wearing next tonothing; he wriggled his brows at me as a chuckle left my lips before I nodded, giving him the go ahead.

"Your men have exquisite taste," Rox chimed in as he ordered another scotch on the rocks.

“That’s questionable at times.” I rolled my eyes as I checked my phone.

“I’ll tell you what isn’t questionable,” Rox responded, his focus elsewhere.

“And what might that be?” I still didn't give him the attention he craved as I finished drafting a message to my father, informing him that the deal had been completed.

“That fucking blonde over there, the one with the gorgeous legs. Now, I wouldn’t mind wrapping those around my head while my hands explored that tight body of hers.” His tongue darted out and licked his bottom lip.

The woman he was salivating over was none other than…

My fucking woman.

Rox continued to make his interest known in Anastacia as she swayed her petite hips to the rhythm of the music. She might have played the perfect daughter last night, as if butter wouldn't melt, but tonight she was a fucking siren. I drank in every inch of her, including the space between her stiletto heels and the hem of her black, figure-hugging dress that sat just beneath her ass. Her ash blonde hair was slicked back into a tight low ponytail which only highlighted her flawless features. Her lips were a deep cherry red, making my cock twitch. She dismissed any man who approached her, obviously too busy dancing with her two female friends.

Good girl.

Rox stood, no doubt trying to make his way to where my fiancée was.

"I suggest you sit down and keep those filthy hands to yourself if you want to keep them," I snapped.

His face fell instantly as he settled back down opposite me.

“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be trying to score when I’m here on business.” He leant back against the seat as he smoothed his sweaty palms over his slacks.

"I don't give a shitif you want to score, get lucky, fuck, whatever you want to call it, but you stay away fromthat woman. Do you understand me?!" He continued side-eyeing her even during my speech.

“I said,do you fucking understand me?!” I slammed my palms on the table as it rattled beneath me. My men stepped forwards, but I shook my head and they returned to theirpositions.

“I don’t see a ring on her finger, so she’s fair game.” He winked as he pressed his finger against his non-existent lips.

I didn’t know what came over me, I forcefully threw the table across the darkened room and had my hand wrapped around Rox’s neck in seconds, his eyes bulging as I tightened my hold.

“That woman is not and never will be fair fucking game. She belongs to me; she is set to become my wife. So let me ask you for the final time,do you fucking understand me?!” I snarled as I squeezed a little tighter.

“I… I understand,” he choked out, his hand clawing at my wrist. I released himgently, my eyes never leaving his beady ones. "Please accept my apologies, Lorenzo. I had no idea." He rubbed his neck, the bruise already beginning to form.

“Well, now you do.” I smoothed down my dishevelled shirt. “Make it known to everyone that Anastacia Fedorov belongs to me and she’s off limits.” I knocked back the bourbon Gino handed to me. "Let it be known that I am an extremely patient man, but next time, I will not be as lenient as I was this evening."

“There won’t be a next time.” His nerves were shattered.

“Damn right there won’t be.” I patted my hand against his cheek.
