Page 22 of Love Me Always

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There was no movement. I’ve only met this woman twice and already she insisted on making my life hell.

“Anastacia, I said put your fucking—”

“I heard you! Stop cursing at me! I’m not a child!” She reached over and clicked her belt into place before turning around to face me. “Thanks for pissing all over my night,” she snapped, her gaze locked on me.

“You’re welcome. I’ve had one of my men tell the girls you were with me, so they won’t worry.” I turned my face to the window as Gino started the engine.

Nobody spoke for a while. Gino played jazz music quietly through the sound system. Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder, and I turned to see Anastacia had fallen asleep and unintentionally rested her head on me. I studied her for a moment, her face serene, as if she didn't have a care in the world. Her lips curled upwards into a gentle smile, and it made me wonder what she was dreaming about. I know it couldn't have been me, otherwiseshe wouldn't be smiling.

“You’re not feeling something, are you?” Gino piped up from the driver’s seat.

“Do you know me at all?” I whispered.

“Of course, I do. It was just the way you were looking at her. It’s all right to feel something, you know? Especially for the woman you’ll soon call your wife. I saw how you reacted with Rox, it was a side I rarely see.” He glanced in the rear-view mirror waiting for my reaction, but I wasn’t going to give him one.

“Let’s just get her home.” I narrowed my eyes at him, and he dropped the subject.

We drove the rest of the way in complete silence as we soon pulled up to the Fedorov mansion. Anastacia didn’t even stir as the car came to a gentle stop.

“You going to wake her up?” Gino spoke as he shut off the engine.

“I don’t think there’s any chance of waking her up right now, she’s out for the count.” I exited the car and hurried around to her side. I removed her belt and scooped her up into my arms as she lay her head against my chest, I felt her warmth beneath the fabric of my shirt. Her never-ending lashes fanned over her cheek as the scent of her hair fucked with my senses.

“Gino, go and knock the door. I think Victor should see first-hand just how easy it is for his pride and joy to sneak out.” I should have taken Ana back to mine, covered for her in a way but I had a better idea, and it involved me bringing her home.

He hammered on the door hard enough to make sure whoever was sleeping soundly inside would soon be woken up as I waited with Anastacia in my arms beside the car. Sure enough, within seconds, from each room a flash illuminated, and it was as if we were watching a game of dominos until the final light jumped to life in the lobby of her home. The door swung open to reveal a confused Victor. There were minimal words exchanged between the pair as Victor kept his eyes fixed on his daughter sleeping soundly in my arms.

“He isn’t happy.” Gino had a look of worry marring his face, but his professionalism never faltered.

“That’s what I was counting on.” I let out a sigh as I made my way towards her father.

“Lorenzo, what the fuck is going on?! Would you care to explain to me why my clearly intoxicated daughter is with you?!” Victor was furious, and rightly so, but it wasn't my fault she was in this state.

“I will explain everything once I’ve put her to bed. I'd rather not talk about her evening's antics while she's sleeping in my arms." I pushed pasthim and ignored everything he said after that.

Making my way to her room, I kicked my booted toe against the door as it swung open, revealing her darkened room and her unmistakable scent filling the air. The same scent that filled my nostrils whenever her head moved slightly. Before I could lay her down gently, I removed my hand from beneath her and pulled back the sheets, then untied those dangerous heels.

I pulled the blankets up around her barely covered body as I removed her ponytail from the hair tie, allowing her hair to decorate the pillow. I brushed a stray hair away from her angelic face. A face I vowed never to fall in love with because falling in love with someone like her would be asign of weakness, something I cannot afford to have. It was easier to haveher hate me than it was to have her love me. I knew deep down I wasn't capable of love, but I wasn't sure if that was what she craved behind the wall she'd built sky-high. One thing I was certain of was that what happened tonight would not happen again, at least not if I had anything to do with it. I brushed the back of my fingers over her flushed cheek, taking in her beautyone last timebefore turning on my heel to leave, but not before Iretrievedthose awful fucking heels.

I made my way downstairs to where Victor, Miles, and Gino were waiting. I'd known Miles since we were kids and knew when he was hiding something. I'd always known.

"Is she okay?" Victor was a lot calmerthan I had expected.

“She’s fine or at least she will be once these shoes are disposed of.” Gino arched his brow as I tossed them at him. "Could you please put those in the car? My fiancée won’t be needing them again. I don’t fancy a trip to the ER.” He nodded with a smile.

“So, what happened? Did you sneak my daughter out on some sort of date?!” Victor folded his arms across his bare chest.

“Are you fucking joking?!” With each word I spoke, his brow furrowed a little more. “I found her in my club, where she shouldn’t have been at. You’re lucky it was me that found her and brought her home!” I mimicked Victor’s posture as I abruptly finished my sentence.

“I appreciate that, and I apologise that you had to deal with my daughter in that state.” He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, unsure of what else to say.

"The issue I have is that my fiancée was able to sneak out unnoticed to an area of town she shouldn't have been in. Which leads me to believe your security isn’t doing the job properly.” I scowled as he interrupted me.

“Lorenzo, I can assure you—”

"I'm not finished. They let your daughter slip through their fingers, and I'm sure it's not the first time, and I think it's time we revise the contract, don't you?"

“And what exactly do you want to revise?” His jaw tensed as his body stiffened.
