Page 23 of Love Me Always

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“Wait, she didn’t sneak out. I let her go,” Miles blurted out.

“You didwhat?!” Victor's words echoedthroughout the lobby.

“She was sneaking out, it’s true, but I caught her. I told her to go and have a good time.” Miles’s body sagged, knowing he'd made a mistake.

“I can’t fucking believe you, Miles! How dare you defy me and the rules I've established for her?! It's not your place!" I was sureVictor was going to pop a vein if not two. "We'll discuss this privately." He turned away from his son and faced me once again. “So, what do you want to revise, Lorenzo?”

“Well, hearing what just happened makes my decision so much easier.”

“Spit it out!” There was no calming him down now, and what I was about to say would only add fuel to the fire.

“After tonight, Anastacia will live with me.”

Check fucking mate.

I stoodbeneath the scorching spray of the shower, letting the memories of lastnight wash away, not that I remembered much. I somehow woke updressed, minus my shoes, which I still couldn’t find, and with a full face of makeup. I didn’t recall an argument, which possibly meantI made ithome undetected. I shut off the faucet and padded back into my bedroom, which still had a masculine aroma lingering in the air, one I recognised but couldn't identify. I grabbed a pair of sweat shortsfrom my closet and paired them with a basictank. I pulled my towel-dried hair into a messy bun at the top of my head and applied some moisturiser to my face before heading towards the door to see why the house seemed eerily quiet this morning.

Upon hearing whispers near my father’s office, I came to a halt as I stepped closer,immediatelyrecognisingthe second voice on the other side. It was my future husband, the last person I wanted to see this early in the morning.

"Anastacia, my darling. What are you doing lurking outside your father's office?" As my mother approached, I practically jumped out of my skin.

“I’m not lurking, I’m just—”

“Eavesdropping?” She winked at me and smiled as she always did. “Let’s leave the men to it, and I'll fix you some breakfast.” She wrapped her arm around me.

My father's voice was no longer hushed as we prepared to proceed down the stairs to the rest of the house.

“I won’t fucking allow it, Lorenzo! There is no way my daughter is living with or anywhere near you until after the wedding! That was the agreement!”

What is he talking about?!

"Come on, Anastacia, let's go. You don't want to hear this." My mother tried to pull me away, but I refused to budge.

"Victor, as I mentioned last night, the arrangement has changed and will be revised today. Your son allowed his sister to leave the house alone yesterday evening. She wasn’t protected, and anything could have happened to her.” Lorenzo bellowed over my father.

"What's going on, Mama?” I turned to face my mother, but she could hardly look at me.

"Anastacia, I really thinkwe should leave them be. I'll explain everything over breakfast." She pleaded with me to move, but I couldn’t.

Enough was enough, I couldn’t listen to them dictate my life more than they already had done, I flung the door open with such force it almost came off the hinges. All eyes immediately landed on me, but I didn't care.

"You look remarkably fresh for someone who needed to be put to bed last night." Lorenzo smirked like a cat who'd got the cream.

“Excuse me?! You did what?!” I shot daggers at the man who sat smugly in the chair opposite my father.

“I brought you home from the club and put you to bed as you were too intoxicated to manage it yourself.” He returned his gaze to my father as he spoke.

"When you talk to me, look at me, not at him!"

"Aren't you a feisty little thing?" He stood slowly, shifting his focus to me.

“You know nothing about me, and I don’t expect that to change anytime soon if ever.”

"It's a good thing I feel the same way then,princess.” His arrogant face begged for a punch.

“Papa, what’s going on?” I pleaded.

“Well, I can actually tell you—”
