Page 24 of Love Me Always

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“I asked my father, not you!” I spat towards the pain in the ass that now stood beside me as he scoffed.

"Anastacia, I know Miles allowed you go out last night, which resulted in Lorenzo bringing you home intoxicated."

"Miles isn't to blame; I didn't give him much of a choice." I realised it wasn't entirely accurate, but Miles didn’t deserve to be punished for what I wanted to do.

“We all have a choice!” My father's voice was a little louder this time, but I stood my ground; I wasn't one to back down, which he knew all too well because he taught me that.

“And sneaking out is mine! But you seem hellbent on fucking punishing everyone else!" I slammed my palms on the mahogany desk as I could practically see my father’s blood boiling beneath his skin.

“How dare you raise your voice at me, in my own home!” His chair scraped against the floor as he squared up against me.

"You won't have to worry about that much longer since you can't wait to marry me off tothat.” I cocked my head toward Lorenzo.

“Actually, if I may.” Lorenzo interrupted. "Your father and I have reached a new, amended agreement. You'll be living with me, under my roof, starting today." As I struggled to pick up my jaw from the floor, he flashed his dazzling white smile at my nowfrowning face.

"Papa, is this some sort ofsick joke? Please tellmeyou didn't agree to this. Not without discussing it with me first!" And once again, my entire life had been turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

How could I possibly live with the man I despised? The man who, without a doubt, would treat me like a prisoner in his house. My mother had tears streaming down her cheeks at the doorway. Miles stood along the corridor, not far behind her, helpless.

"Are none of you going to stand up for me? You're just going to sit back and let this happen?"

"I apologise, flower. If I don't agree, Lorenzo will walk away from the engagement, and I will be seen as the one who shattered the alliance between us. You know I cannot do that.” He sighed deeply.

"It's funny that you won't let the leaders see you that way, but you'll allow your daughter to. Do you even care about me, or was I always simply a means to keep an alliance alive?" I knew my father loved me, but I wanted him to hurt as much as I was. No one could go toe to toe with Victor Fedorov and live to tell the tale except his daughter and what now appeared to be Lorenzo.

"You know that's not true, Anastacia. You already know I'd give my life for you." As he turned abruptly, his undivided focus returned to me, disbelief and pain were written all over his face.

"No, Papa, I don't. Maybe once, but not anymore." I turned to leave the office. "I guessI'll go pack."

“I’ll wait downstairs for you, just pack what you need. I can send Gino for the rest,” Lorenzo said as I took another step.

“You don’t need to wait; I can make my own way there.”

“As I said, I’ll wait but don’t be long, I have things to do.” And just like that, the smugness had returned.

"And as I already said, I am capable of making my own way." I didn't wait for his response; instead, I continued striding down the corridor towards the staircase, disregarding everyone as I went.

* * *

After packing up what I needed, I grabbed my bags and made my way downstairs. I considered looking back at my room, but what was the point? After what happened with my father this morning, I didn’t feel like this was my home anymore. I didn’t feel as though I had one, one I belonged in anyway.

“Ana? What’s with all the bags?” Chad stood shell-shocked as I met him at the top of the grand staircase.

“I’m guessing my papa hasn’t told the team yet, then.” That figured; he was obviously waiting until I was gone to inform everyone. “Well, allow me. I’m moving in with Lorenzo,” I blurted out.

“What?! But I assumed it would be after the wedding!"

“Not according to my father. It’s the obvious punishment for me sneaking out and getting drunk last night.” I continued my way down the stairs with Chad hot on my heels.

"You snuck out?! What the fuckwere you thinking?" He grabbed my wrist, knocking my bagdown a couple of stairs.

"I was thinking clearly in comparison to you right now. Get off me!" I attempted to snatchmy arm away from him, but he immediately tightened his grip.

“Chad! Get—”

Within seconds, his body was slammed against the railing by the man I reluctantly called my fiancé. Chad cowered beneath Lorenzo's towering body; terror visible in his eyes despite his best efforts to hide it.

“Do you value your fucking life, Chaddie boy?” Lorenzo roared.
