Page 26 of Love Me Always

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“Over my dead body would I ever crave attention from you. You’re someone I don’t want anything from. Remember you need this marriage more than I do; all it is to me is a pathetic piece of paper, one I would easily burn.” I let out a steady breath, awaiting his next move.

“You want more than you’re letting on. Lying isn’t a good look on you.” Within in one swift move, he fisted my hair causing my head to tilt back just enough, enabling him full access to my bare neck. His lips roughly sucked on my skin. That bastard actually marked me!

“What the fuck did you just do?!” I snatched one of my arms free as I angrily let it collide with his smug face as it fell instantly.

His hand gripped my face as I was forced to look at him once more.

“I do whatever the fuck I want Anastacia. You’d better start getting used to it because if you don’t, I can make our marriage and your life unbearable.” Pain radiated beneath his touch as his hold on my face tightened. “And believe me, you don’t want that to happen.” His hand snaked around my waist and slid his phone from my waist band before he placed me back in my seat with ease.

Lorenzo tapped on the tinted glass to inform Gino we were finished. I turned my back to him and rubbed my freshly developed bruise with my fingers. He didn’t mutter a single word for the rest of the journey back to his house, the only words spoken were between him and Gino. As we neared Lorenzo’s house, my phone vibrated on the seat beside me. I grabbed it quickly to see the photo of me and Miles at the local fun fair when we were kids pop up on the screen.

“Miles, what’s up?” I smiled to make sure he knew nothing was wrong.

“Ana, I am so sorry! I would never have let you sneak out if I knew this would have been the consequence.” He was visibly upset, and for once, he didn’t try to hide it.

“It’s fine, honestly. It’s not ideal but it is what is what it is.”

“I can talk to Pa to see if he’ll discuss this with Lorenzo.” He spoke as if he actually had hope that would work when we both know it wouldn’t.

“Don’t worry; it’s not worth the hassle. I’ll be fine, and you know it.” I laughed.

“I know you will, but just in case, did you clear out your weapons from the practice room?” he quizzed.

" I did. I wouldn’t leave them behind. You never know when they may come in handy.” I glanced over at Lorenzo who was listening intently. “Listen, I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you later, okay?” I crossed my legs as Lorenzo’s eyes darted to where my shorts rode up slightly.

“Make sure you do. I love you, Ana.” I felt the warmth of his smile through the phone.

“I love you too.” I hung up before shoving my phone into my handbag that sat by my feet.

The car unexpectedly turned onto a long gravel drivewaythat led to a magnificent-looking house, maybe evengrander than the one I shared with my family. We passed Lorenzo's fleet of men patrolling the ground. As the car approached the massive white mansion, I spotted a tall man with hair as bright as flames and a confused look painted on his face.

He wasted no time in striding to the car as Lorenzo exited, his confusion turning into a smile when he saw his boss. He glanced over Lorenzo’s shoulder and spotted me sitting quietly in the backseat.

“Out,” Lorenzo ordered as he pulled my door open.

“A please would be nice.” I grabbed my bag and stormed toward the house, not looking back to where he stood beside an open-mouthed Gino.

“Anastacia, slow the fuck down! You have no idea where you’re going!” He raced after me which spurred me on to move faster.

“Considering the house is right in front of me, I doubt I’ll get lost.” I flung the front door open as I entered the lobby. I was slack-jawed when I walked in, taking in how gorgeous and well-kept it was. The bay windows at the front of the house let in endless amounts of light and I can already imagine watching the sunset from there on a summer’s evening.

The floating staircase was the key feature with pristine glass on either side. It parted at the top leading to opposite areas of the house. Although it was beautiful, it was sparse. There were no flowers or pictures. It just felt empty and lifeless.

“Welcome home,” Lorenzo said from behind me.

“This will never be my home. My home is where my family is.” I scoffed as I continued to look round.

“The day we say ‘I do’ is the day we become family, Ana. I’ll be the only fuckingDaddyyou’ll want and need, trust me.” The warmth of his breath tickled my ear as he whispered seductively.

“Can you just show me to my room, please?” If asking politely was what it took for this game of cat and mouse to stop, then so be it.

“Your room? What makes you think you won’t be sharing mine?” He trailed his tongue over the hickey he left on my neck moments earlier.

“I know for a fact I won’t be sharing your room, not even after the wedding.” I smirked.

“I need to get off to my meeting now. Red will show you to your room.” With that, he turned to leave the house with Gino.

“Morning. I’m Red.” I turned to meet the deep jade eyes of the man I saw when we arrived; his face a lot softer now than it was then.
