Page 27 of Love Me Always

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“Nice to meet you. I’m Anastacia.” I smiled and shook his waiting hand.

“Oh, I know who you are. You caused quite a stir last night.”

“I believe so since I’m stuck here now.” I rolled my eyes, and it was met by a gentle laugh from Red.

“It’s not that bad, and believe me, Lorenzo can be nice.” He patted my arm, and I felt a slight amount of comfort.

“I’ll have to see it to believe it.” I forced a smile as he picked up my bags before leading me up the stairs.

He led me down a brightly lit corridor, the sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The carpet was plush beneath my feet as we passed door after door and got further from the staircase as we reached the end.

“Here you go. Best room in the house.” He unlocked the door and pushed the door open to reveal a gorgeous bedroom something I didn’t.

“Surprised?” He chuckled as he placed my bags down beside the four-poster bed that sat in the middle of the room against the back wall.

“Just a little. I wasn’t expecting something like this.” I wandered over to the bay window that overlooked a well-kept lake at the rear of the house. The afternoon sun danced on the water as I felt myself getting lost in its beauty. I turned to face Red still standing at the foot of the bed, arms folded across his broad chest, analysing my every move.

“As I said, it’s the best room in the house.” He smiled.

“I doubt that. After all, he hates me.” I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. “Which is why I know this is the most secure room in the house, not the best. Am I correct?” I stepped closer to Red as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat.

“That’s between you and Lorenzo. He asked me to bring you to this room, no questions asked.” He stepped towards the door before glancing over his shoulder, his piercing green eyes meeting mine. “Would it kill you to give him a chance?” he asked.

“Yes, it would.” I turned my back to him and faced the beauty beneath my window.

The door closed behind me, and the latch clicked into place. I kicked my sneakers off as my feet sunk into the plush carpet. It was the brightest shade of white, perfect for seeing Lorenzo’s blood decorating it. I knelt beside my bags and unpacked the little belongings I had packed before neatly placing whatever I had in the vintage dresser. Undoing the tie, I let my hair tumble over my shoulders in natural waves. I slipped my feet into a pair of flip flops, pocketed my phone, and headed towards the garden.

The house was quiet, the only sound I heard was from the television in the front room. The bellowing voices of a few men rung out as I escaped through the double doors that led onto the patio, the warmth of the sun kissed my skin. The land on the opposite side of the lake stretched on for what seemed like miles, trees casting a slight shade on the water as the birdssang from within them. I couldn’t put into words how peaceful I felt while standing there. I made my way over to a secluded area beside the lake. The house was still visible from where I sat, which meant once Lorenzo returned home, he would see me too.

I took out my phone and checked the messages I had received while I was busy unpacking. There were many from the girls and a couple from my father. I started by telling Robin and Tay what happened this morning and they couldn’t believe what they were hearing, there was no hiding the fact they were furious at what my father had allowed to happen. After calming them down, I told them to come over in a few days once I had settled in, and they immediately agreed. I debated the reply to my father’s messages. How do you reply to a message where someone asks if you are okay, when you’re clearly not. I flipped the phone between my fingers before dialling his number.

Within two rings, I heard his familiar voice.

“Anastacia, are you okay?” Although he tried to remain calm, I could hear the worry in his voice; a worry I didn’t understand since he was the one who allowed this to happen.

“I’m fine. I’m just exploring the grounds. I saw your messages so I thought it would be easier to call.” I faked a smile, hoping he would believe I was fine.

“I’m glad you’re okay and staying out of trouble. Is Lorenzo there?” he pried.

“No, he’s not. He had a meeting.” I lay back against the cool grass.

“So, he’s left you alone on the day he so adamantly made you move in with him?” His voice grew angrier.

“It’s fine. The less time I spend with him, the better.” I closed my eyes as I finished my sentence, blocking out the sun.

“I’m sure it will get easier for you, flower. Listen, I know you hate what I did, but there was no other way.” He sighed.

"There's always another way, Pa. Do you know how it felt to have no one fight for you, for what you want, for your feelings?"


“I have to go; I’ll call you soon.” I hung up before he had time to answer. I threw it down onto the grass as my heart slowly sank.

“Sorry to interrupt. I’m Emmet. I saw you lying out here and wanted to check if you were okay.” I heard a gentle voice come from someone who towered over my head as I slowly opened my eyes.

Emmet gazed down at me with his amber-coloured eyes, his greying hair tied back at the nape of his neck as he was dressed head-to-toe in gym wear. There was a deep scar across his left eye and a small tattoo beneath his right one.

“I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m—” I smiled as I sat up to face him.
