Page 34 of Love Me Always

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“Hello.” I smiled.

“Ana! Thank fuck!” he breathed. “I’ve been worried sick!”

“Chad, I’m fine. Why would you think I’m not?”

“Your father didn’t give much away when I asked, nor did Miles.” He sighed. “I hated the way he marched out of here with you yesterday. Lorenzo’s a fucking animal.” He seethed.

“You need to calm down, everything is fine. I can’t say I love it here because I don’t think I ever will, but I don’t have a choice.” I let out a steady breath as I spoke.

“Do you want to marry him?” he asked.

“I don’t think I ever want to get married.” I padded across the crisp white carpet towards the window to see if Lorenzo was still there, but he wasn’t.

“We can talk to Victor, try to make him see sense. We can tell him you don’t want to marry Lorenzo,” Chad begged.

“There is no point. I’ve tried and not once has he ever shown any signs of budging.” I smiled, but it wasn’t real.


“Chad, please, just drop it, what’s done is done.” I let my towel fall from my body as it pooled at my feet.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t interfere. It’s not my place.” He smiled through the phone as he spoke, but I was sure there was nothing genuine about it.

“Are you busy?” I asked.

“No, your father has meetings with Miles, so I’m not needed this afternoon. What’s up?” he questioned.

“I need to get out of here for a bit. Lorenzo wants one of his men to take me, but I would rather they didn’t,” I explained.

“Say no more. Send me the address and I’ll be on my way.”

“Thank you, I’ll see you in an hour.” I hung up the phone before throwing it on the bed.

I knew Chad’s heart was in the right place, but he needed to let it go and realise there was nothing he could do to change that. In a few weeks, I’d be saying I do. I would always value his opinion and friendship, but he needed to remember nobody had ever stood against my father and lived to tell the tale.

Friend or not, he would take Chad’s life without a second thought.

I hurried over to the walk-in wardrobe that lit up as soon as a I walked inside. Lorenzo didn’t do things by halves, everything was high-end, expensive and over-the-top beautiful. I would never tell him how much I appreciated how amazing the bedroom was. I didn’t want him to think of it as a compliment, because he deserved none of those. I slipped on a pair of acid wash, mom jeans that were slashed at both knees. I teamed them with a skintight black, high neck body suit that about covered the mark Lorenzo so kindly left me yesterday. It was now a deep shade of purple. I slid my feet into my trusty Converse before I dried and straightened my hair, it tumbled over my shoulders as it stopped in line with my waist. I didn’t bother with much makeup, my father always told me I didn’t need much, I was beautiful the way I was, that beauty was one of the weapons in my arsenal.

I never really understood what he meant until I got older, when men would fall at my feet endlessly, only to have their life taken away within seconds because they let their guard down around the famous Victor Fedorov’s daughter, one they thought was innocent, but little did they know I was anything but.

I grabbed what I needed and left the bedroom, as I almost ran down the corridor. I hoped for a quick getaway, hoped that nobody would be near the front door so I could slip out and meet Chad without questions. That was what I had hoped, but the reality was the complete opposite. I came to a halt halfway down the stairs when I heard Lorenzo and his men in the kitchen beside my only exit.

Fuck it. What was the worst he can do?

I darted across the lobby and almost had my hand securely on the handle when I felt a familiar figure hovering over me.

“Going somewhere?” he asked, the irritation clear in his tone.

I didn’t turn to face him; I kept my eyes trained on the door.

“I told you I’m going out,” I explained.

“And I told you to take one of my men with you.”

“I don’t need a chaperone. I’m a grown-ass woman,” I snapped.

“Oh, don’t I know it,” he teased. “You will take someone with you, and that’s not a request, Ana.”
