Page 35 of Love Me Always

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I was about to tell him what I thought when he spun me around, so my back was now flush against the metal behind me. His eyes glistened with an emotion; one I didn’t know how to describe. It was an emotion I had never seen before. It looked as though he could devour me within seconds and murder me at the same time. I let out a throaty laugh, one that caused his brows to furrow, his eyes to narrow, and nostrils to flare with frustration.

“Something funny?”

“The fact that you think I’ll ever do as I’m told just because you ordered me to.” I smirked. “It’s cute actually.” I giggled.

“Cute?! Fucking cute?!” His face was hilarious.

“Actually, I take it back. That’s an insult to all cute things.” I laughed.

“Anastacia, don’t test me. I’m not in the mood!” He slammed his hand against the door beside my head as the sound vibrated through me. “Take Red with you.”

“There’s no need. Chad is on his way.” I smiled.

“Why can’t you do as you’re fucking told?!”

“I am. You told me to take someone with me. You didn’t specify who,” I explained.

“And you thought that prick was the best choice?” he growled.

“For me, yes.” I smiled once again, a smile I knew would irritate him.

“You’re not going with him!” he ordered.

“Yes, I am!” I argued back.

“Over my dead body,” he whispered.

“I’m sure that could be arranged, fiancé.” I winked.

“Anastacia, I’m fucking warning you.” His voice grew louder with each word he spoke.

“Warn me all you like, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen.” I leaned into him as my lips brushed his ear. “You don’t want me, so maybe I should find someone who does. Someone who can pleasure me in ways I can only dream of, someone who knows exactly what I want. Maybe I should go and get fucked before we tie the knot, so I don’t stain your pretty white bedsheets.” I nipped his earlobe with my teeth as he inhaled a sharp breath.

“Go to your fucking room,” he barked.

“Is that a punishment for getting under your skin? Or maybe you’re ready to give into those urges and fuck me? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.” My voice remained smooth and calm as I spoke quietly.

“Don’t test me,” he whispered.

“Or what? What are you going to do about it?” I challenged.

“I’ll fuck that pussy of yours until you’re sore, until you’re begging for me to stop, until you can’t take it anymore. So, are you sure you want to test me?” He smirked.

“I would love to see you try.” My teeth teased my lower lip as his gaze followed.

Lorenzo gripped my chin just as he did in the car and forced me to look up at him, his touch imprinting my skin. My heart rate quickened, and I cursed internally for letting myself get into this position. The warmth of his eyes burned into my coolness of mine as he slowly craned his head to bring his lips close enough to mine.

“Do you act like this to get my attention? Or is it because although you deny it and hate yourself for it, you want me?” He ran his tongue across the same place he had teased with his teeth last night which caused my insides to burn. With what, I didn’t know.

“Would you believe me if I said neither?” I asked breathlessly.

“No, I wouldn’t.” He smiled.

“Of course you wouldn’t.” I rolled my eyes as his hand moved from my chin to my throat.

“Why do you feel the need to lie?” he asked as he pulled my body into his. My breasts pressed against his body as I felt his heart beating as violently as mine.

“Why are you bothered if I tell you the truth or not? Do you care about me more than you let on?” I questioned.
