Page 37 of Love Me Always

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“Yes, they were his favourites.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out the money.

“Put that away. They’re on me this week.” She patted my hand that clutched the notes, before her hand reached up and rubbed my cheek. “You’re a good girl, Ana. You make your family proud.” Her eyes twinkled with adoration.

I hope so. I’m never sure if I do enough.” I breathed out.

“Trust me, you do.” She placed her dainty hands on the tops of my arms. “Same time next week?” she asked.

“You know it.” I smiled as she pulled me into a gentle hug. This woman was my grandmother’s sister-in-law, my father’s aunt. She never wanted to be involved in the mafia like her brother was. She married young, and with her love of flowers, opened her own business. One that continued to thrive every day. I was proud to call her family.

I hurried back to the car where Chad was deep in thought as he scrolled through his phone. I tapped the glass as he unlocked it rapidly.

“All sorted?” he asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I smiled as I wound down the window and waved to my aunt.

Chad drove to the second destination, a secluded care home, not far from my family home but far enough. I took a deep breath as we drove closer. Each week I came here, it got harder. I knew my grandmother only had a little time left. She was getting worse day by day, and even though it killed me to see her that way, I couldn’t stop myself coming because I had spent at least one day a week with her since I was born, and I would do it until I could no longer.

“Ana, you can stop coming here, you know, if it’s too hard.” Chad spoke sympathetically.

“I would never do that to her. She needs her family just like we needed her.” I leant across the seat and retrieved the flowers from the back before I left Chad sitting in the car once again.

“You don’t have to wait. I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll wait for as long as you need. Don’t worry.” He returned my smile as I closed the door.

I watched as he drove off around the corner to the rear car park before I headed inside. The familiar smell invaded my senses as the same nurses welcomed me with joy as they did every week. The building was old but so beautiful, the beams that ran across the high ceilings were incredible, breathtaking. The walls were adorned with arts and photographs that went on for what seemed like forever. There were two double doors at the back of the room that led out onto acres of land, where the flowers bloomed and the trees swayed in the wind, but that beauty was lost when I laid eyes on my grandmother and there was nothing more perfect than her. She sat on a white wooden bench with a book in her hand as she read aloud, no doubt to my grandfather. Her stunning white hair was wrapped neatly into a chignon at the nape of her neck, her ageing face soft and gentle as she giggled. She wore a cherry red cardigan draped over her shoulders, one my grandfather had brought her the year he passed away, the one she always said held sentimental value because it was his last gift to her.

“Go on out, Anastacia. She’s waiting for you,” one of the nurses quietly said as she broke my thoughts.

“Thank you. How is she today?” I asked.

“She’s okay, today’s a good day.” She smiled as she wandered back to the other side of the room.

She missed my grandfather and living alone after a while got too much for her. She asked to move in here for company and had promised me she loved it. I wasted no more time as I hurried out into the garden, her face lighting up when she saw me.

“There is my darling girl. Come and sit beside me. I was just reading to your grandfather.” She smiled the most delicate smile I had ever seen.

“Were you reading his favourite story again?” I asked.

“Of course. What else?” She laughed.

“These are for you.” I handed her the flowers as I sat beside her.

Her frail arm wrapped around my back as she pulled me into her warm embrace.

“So, your father tells me you’ve moved in with your betrothed…”

“He told you right, unfortunately.” I sighed.

“Oh, baby, what’s the matter?” The worry took over as she stroked my hair.

“I hate him but—”

“But want him too?” she finished the sentence for me.

“What? No! He’s awful, he’s arrogant, he’s—” I couldn’t find the right words anymore.

“Irritating, insufferable, a complete mindfuck?” She laughed.
