Page 38 of Love Me Always

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I bolted upright and stared at her, shocked at what came out of her mouth.

“Grandma!” I clasped my hand over my mouth to muffle the laughter I was trying to hold in.

“What? I can curse, you know.” She winked as I finally laughed a real belly laugh.

“Did you ever hate him?” I asked since she was arranged to my grandfather when she was eighteen.

“I loathed him, he was awful. I begged my parents to stop the wedding,” she explained.

“So, what happened?” I queried.

“I stopped fighting against him. I knew there was no other way. As soon as I stopped fighting, I allowed the feelings to come through thick and fast.” She smiled.

“But I feel nothing for him!” I rubbed my temple as I whispered.

“Not even the sexual chemistry that races through your veins?”

“He’s hot, I’ll give him that, but he’s so domineering, and I cannot stand it.” I rolled my eyes as she laughed. “What?”

“You remind me so much of me.” She smiled. “And believe me, that’s not a bad thing,” she continued.

“Then what is?”

“The fact that you won’t give him a chance.”

“Believe me, I tried,” I breathed. “Last night, he pummeled the wall, I bandaged him up, and all of a sudden, he snapped and kicked me out of his room back to mine, then he was all over me again this morning.”

“He sounds just like your grandfather; he was the exact same. The reason behind that is he doesn’t know how to react or act around you. It’s normal but believe me, if that man felt nothing at all towards you, he wouldn’t demand you move in, and he wouldn’t do whatever it takes to get under your skin.” She held my hand in hers.

“I’ve known him less than a week and I already want to murder him, hence why I tried last night,” I exclaimed.

“Oh, Anastacia, tell me you didn’t?” She giggled.

“My knife needed an outing.” I smiled sweetly.

“Well, lock it away. I want to see my only granddaughter get married before I finally join your grandfather.” She patted my knee as I knew what she meant. “I want to see a couple in love so I can leave peacefully.” She wiped the tear that had escaped my eye.

“Do you really want to leave us?” I asked, tears falling quicker.

“Your grandfather has been kept waiting long enough, but I told him I need to hold on a bit longer to see my darling girl get married and fall in love. I’m sorry I’ll miss the babies, but I’ll be looking down on you. I’ll see it all.”

“There will be no babies.” I scrunched my nose at the thought of having children with Lorenzo.

“There will be, I know it.” She lay my head on her lap as she played with my hair. “You’re an incredible woman, Anastacia. Lorenzo will realise just how lucky he is, you’ll see,” she said, her hand never leaving my hair.

“I doubt that, but only time will tell.” I breathed deeply as I closed my eyes for a moment.

The next few hours passed all too quickly, and the sun was already setting beyond the trees. We had spoken this whole time about her marriage and how my grandfather was with her and honestly, he sounded so much like Lorenzo, it was actually rather scary. He had treated her the exact same initially if not worse, but she gave as good as she got and soon enough my grandfather knew he had met his match. They tamed one another.

“I had better get going. I don’t want you to miss your dinner.” I kissed her cheek before I stood to leave.

“Get home safe, darling.” She stood with me as she swatted my hand away when I offered her a little help. “Oh, Ana?” she continued.


“Tell that fiancé of yours that the next time he wants to decorate my granddaughter’s gorgeous skin with hickeys, put them somewhere her father won’t see.” My mouth dropped open as she giggled with pure delight.

“He did that because he’s an arsehole who wants to mark his territory, not because I asked for it,” I declared.
