Page 40 of Love Me Always

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“I’m not in the mood, I want to sleep. It’s been a long day.” I breathed out, waiting for him to royally lose it in seconds.

“I wasn’t in the mood for your fucking games today either, but you didn’t seem to give a shit when you drove off with that prick earlier!” he snapped.

“Because he is the one who has taken me to the same place every week for the past few years. Now go away.” I spoke calmer than I expected.

“No, I won’t fucking go away. Give me one good reason why I should.” I felt him behind me, the scent of his aftershave mingling with my perfume.

I turned around quicker than expected and pummeled my fists into his chest repeatedly. His hands gripped my arms to calm me down, but I’d had enough of his shit, his attitude, every damn thing about him.

“Are you done?” he asked.

“No, I’m not fucking done! Leave me alone!” I snapped, out of breath.

“What makes you think I want to?” He smirked, the pad of his thumb wiping away a stray tear I didn’t know had fallen.

“I don’t give a shit what you want. Just fuck off and leave me alone!” I slapped his hand away, and it was as if something in him had flipped.

Within seconds, my back collided against the wall, and I couldn’t help but wrap my legs around his waist as his mouth devoured mine. I didn’t know why I was letting this happen, but I was, and for the first time in my life, I felt powerless. One of his hands cupped my ass to hold me in place as the other one fisted the hair at the nape of my neck, causing my scalp to sting. The kiss was nothing like I had expected; it was full of hunger, lust, and desire. Something I had never felt and never wanted to feel, especially with him. I could feel his growing erection pressed against my pussy. His hand left my hair and gripped my throat as I let out a soft moan against his lips, a sound he loved, as his cock twitched in anticipation.

“Lorenzo, I need—” I breathed.

He stilled, his body stiffening almost instantly. He placed me down on the floor as I tried to catch my breath. He became impassive and emotionless.

“That was a fucking mistake.” He smoothed out his shirt and stormed towards the door. “Don’t forget your phone again. It was incredibly stupid.” And with that, he was gone.

A mistake?!

Is that how he saw me?

That fucker stole my first kiss and called it a mistake?!

I stalkedtowards the lobby where Red stood waiting. His face said a thousand words but none I wanted to hear. I probably made the worst decision I had ever made in my life. Kissing her was a mistake, one I couldn’t take back no matter how much I wanted to.

She tasted fucking incredible, the subtle taste of mint mingled with the warmth of her breath, the saltiness from her tears she didn’t know I noticed, and the sweet but warming taste of the honey and cinnamon lip balm she had glossed over her lips. I could have and would have got lost in her if I didn’t stop myself.

Why did I stop myself?

Because if I didn’t, then she would expect so much more than I was willing to give, and although she’d tried to kill me and was probably plotting her next attack on me, she had a pure heart. One I would only taint and ruin. She deserved someone to worship the ground she walked on; she deserved love and respect from her husband. I knew I wasn’t the man to give her all the lovey-dovey shit, but I wasn’t about to let anyone else give it to her either.

She belonged to me.

Whether she liked it or not.

“What did you do?” Red questioned.

“I’m going out!” I strode towards the door with Red hot on my heels.

“Where are you going?!”

“Out!” I snapped.

“I don’t understand you and neither does she.” He sighed.

“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” I growled as I turned around instantly.

“You are my boss, and above all else, you’re my friend, but how you’re treating her isn’t fair.” He seethed.

