Page 41 of Love Me Always

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“She’s done nothing wrong. All I see when I look at her is the female version of you, only with a much bigger heart.” He spoke calmer this time.

“I have a fucking heart!” I screamed.

“Then show her. Show her you aren’t as awful as you pretend to be,” he pleaded.

“She already hates me, wants to kill me, so tell me? What’s the point?” I snapped.

I didn’t wait for him to answer as I finally reached the garage. The car I took Anastacia home from the club in was already open and waiting.

“Lorenzo!” Red called after me. “Please!”

“If you’re so bothered about her, then why don’t you go and check on her.” I slammed the door and revved the engine.

She had my men wrapped around her finger by just fucking existing and it was driving me to the edge. Maybe they saw things in her I didn’t see.

Or maybe they were just better than I was.

* * *

I had been at the same bar alone for hours, getting lost in a bottle of bourbon as I tried to erase the taste of Anastacia. I didn’t know why the fuck I thought her living with me before the wedding was a good idea. Her being around was already becoming unbearable. The way her scent lingered around every area she’d been, the way her laughter with Red travelled around the house, the way her body reacted to mine even though I knew she didn’t want it to, and the way she tasted.

“Enzo?” Gino spoke from behind me.

“What can I do for you, Gino?” I asked.

“You can put the bottle down and come home,” he ordered.

“Why is she so infuriating?!” I snapped as I slammed the bottle on the bar.

“Because you want her.” He laughed.

“I want many things, and she’s not one of them,” I exclaimed.

“If you say so.” He sighed. “Did you find out where she was earlier?” he asked.

“It doesn’t fucking matter where she was. She went with someone I told her not to!” I seethed.

“She doesn’t deserve this!” he growled as he slapped his palm against the bar.

“I decide what she deserves! Not you or anyone else!” I snapped.

Gino didn’t reply. He didn’t know what to say anymore. He knew when I was in a mood like this, he was fighting a losing battle. He stood beside me, watching me polish off the final glass of bourbon.

“Are you quite done?” he asked with an annoyance to his voice.

“What are you, my father?” I smiled.

“No, just a friend who cares. Fuck knows why.” He rolled his eyes as he escorted me from the bar.

He snatched my keys as I struggled to get them out of my pocket. I didn’t even kick up a fuss since there was no way I could drive anyway. I’d had too much to drink.

“Get in.” He shoved me in the front seat before he slammed the door.

Gino didn’t say a word during the drive. His hands clutched the steering wheel as if he had to stop himself from saying something he knew he would regret in the morning. Suddenly, Red’s voice came over the sound system, going through me like nails on a chalkboard.

“Did you find him?” he quizzed.

“Of course I fucking did! He was getting shit-faced at the bar downtown,” Gino snapped.
