Page 47 of Love Me Always

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“He adored my mother and Miles.” He took a quick breath. “But he had a special place in his heart for Anastacia. I taught her well, but he was something else. He taught her everything she knows.” He smiled.

“I heard remarkable things about your father. She was in good hands.” I smiled.

“Indeed, she was. His weapon of choice became hers.” He spoke in hushed tones.

“Trust me, I know,” I tutted.

“Oh?” He sounded confused.

“Your darling daughter tried to slit my throat the other night.” I laughed.

“Of course she did. It will take her some time. Her life has changed drastically. We can’t just expect her to accept it no matter how much we push her to.” He sighed.

“I don’t understand,” I asked.

“That’s a story for another day. Maybe one she should tell you.” He smiled.

“That’s if she ever opens up enough.” I scoffed.

“Lorenzo, I have a feeling you aren’t exactly innocent in this partnership.” He sighed. “But beneath her attitude towards you, she’s still a woman who wants nothing more than to be loved even if she denies it.”

“I don’t think she will ever accept love between us. I don’t know if I will,” I replied.

“Only time will tell, and you have plenty of that.” He patted my shoulder. “Oh, but Lorenzo?”


“The next time you think about marking my daughter’s neck, don’t,” he warned.

“That was—” I stumbled.

“I don’t care what it was. Don’t fucking do it again unless you want to sleep six feet under.” He smiled sinisterly before he walked back over to his mother and Ana.

Victor placed his arm around Evelina as she sobbed into his blazer, then I realised Anastacia had nobody to comfort her as she slowly broke down at her grandfather’s graveside. Without thinking, my feet moved instantly towards her. Seeing her break down stirred something in me. I felt like I needed to protect her somehow. As I stood behind her, I could hear the breathless sobs leaving her lips, and it hurt me. I placed my arms around her as I pulled her into me. I could have been imagining it, but when I held her, she seemed to relax.

“I’m right here,” I whispered unexpectedly.

Her hands clutched my forearm. It might have been the first time we had been this close without her trying to kill me or me trying to rip her clothes off. We stood in silence for however long until Anastacia wriggled free from my hold to place a single white rose on the gravestone.

“I love you,” she whispered. “You are and always will be my sunshine.”

We wandered back towards the cars in silence as I walked her back to hers.

“Are you okay to drive home?” I asked because I was genuinely worried.

“I’ll be okay. I need to drop my grandmother back as well.” She smiled, but it was dull.

“Okay, I’ll meet you at home.” I smiled as she then helped her grandmother into the passenger seat.

There was no way I would meet her at home. I would tail her to make sure she was okay. For no other reason than to make sure she got home safely.

* * *

We pulled up into the garage, and I knew I should prepare myself for the mouthful I was about to receive about following her home, about crashing her family meal, and most probably holding her at the graveyard, but when she appeared before me, there was none of what I was expecting.

“Thank you for tonight.” She smiled softly.

“It’s fine, don’t get used to it though. I felt sorry for you,” I replied.
