Page 48 of Love Me Always

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“I don’t need your pity; I don’t need you to hold me either. I managed just fine before you.” She huffed as she made her way towards the house.

Well fucking done, dickhead.

I followed her inside as she walked past most of my men that still occupied the kitchen. Red, Gino, and Emmet said nothing, their eyes firmly on me as I entered the room. It was a shame that couldn’t be said for some of the other members of my team. They watched her every single move right until she left the kitchen.

“Get back to work,” I snapped.

“Really, Boss? You’re talking about work right now? You’re not going to follow that pretty little thing upstairs and pound her pussy?” Joey smirked. “I know I would.” He laughed, and something inside me snapped.

I snatched the gun from my waistband and aimed it directly at Joey’s head. Without thinking, I pulled the trigger, and his brain decorated the wall behind him. I slammed the gun on the counter as the men looked at me in shock while some of the others were stunned to silence.

“Nobody, and I repeat fucking nobody speaks about Anastacia that way! She is my fiancée, and she will be treated with the same amount of respect as you treat me. Do I make myself clear?”


“I said, do I make myself clear?!” I roared.


“Good. You three, dispose of that sorry excuse of a man. I’ll be back shortly,” I ordered to Gino, Emmet, and Red.

“You got it,” Red replied.

I stormed out of the kitchen and made my way towards Ana’s bedroom. I tried to calm the anger within me, but I couldn’t. Hearing one of my most trusted men speak about Ana in that way was enough to send me murderous, and that was my warning to all the others.

I tapped Anastacia’s door but there was no response, so I tapped again a little louder. Last time I entered without her permission, she tried to kill me, and if I was not careful tonight, this could be round two. I entered slowly and carefully as I noticed the bedside lamp was still dimly lit. I stepped closer to her bed, and there she was, tucked up beneath the covers. Her hair fanned the pillow as her tear-stained cheeks finally looked peaceful. I sat down on the edge of the bed before I turned my attention to her.

“I’m sorry, Anastacia.” I sighed as I ran my fingers through her hair. I had to admit, being in her presence even though she was asleep soothed me.

“I haven’t treated you the way you deserve, and I know that. Maybe if I stop acting like a dick, you might be able to find me tolerable. And maybe if you stop having such a smart mouth, I’ll be able to tolerate you too.” I laughed quietly.

I stood up before I pulled the covers up around her a little more. She snuggled into them as she clutched my hand that lingered by the covers. I couldn’t deny I felt more than I was letting on in that moment. I stilled for a second, unsure what to do until I finally realised, I had to let go. She didn’t mean to hold onto me the way she was.

I had rules before I met Anastacia.

Rules before she moved in.

And the same rules I wanted to follow even after we said those famous two words at the altar.


Rules are made to be broken, right?

When I wokeup this morning, I smelt Lorenzo's cologne lingering in my room, a scent that toyed with my thoughts. A scent that made me want to hate him butalso made me crave him.

What is wrong with me?!

Had he been in here again without my permission?

Was he okay? Did he need something?

Why did I even care?!

I thought we made a little progressyesterday evening when he comforted me, only for him to fuck it up by sayinghe justfelt sorry for me.I couldn't understand why he blew so hot and cold all the damntime! I'ddone nothing wrong, except maybe try to kill him, but that was a minor detail, right?

I slid my legs into my sweat shorts on the chair and threw on a plain white T-shirt before I headeddownstairs to the kitchen. Despite his attitude when we arrived home yesterday, I wasdetermined to make amends for everything that had transpired between us since we met. We were getting married within a few weeks and we should at least be friendly, shouldn'twe?

I toyed aroundwith Lorenzo's fancy coffee machine; I wasn't actuallysure how he drank his coffee, but maybe I'd start with something simple for now.
