Page 51 of Love Me Always

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“I’ve already tried to slit his throat.” I sighed as I rubbed my temple.

“I take it you didn’t succeed?” Robin laughed.

“He’s still here, isn’t he?” I said in a short, clipped tone.

“What a shame.” Tay scoffed.

“My thoughts exactly.”

“I know he didn’t exactly win us over with his first impressions at the club that night, but I’ve thought about it, and I think he was just being protective.” Robin smiled.

“There is being protective and then there is being an ass.” Tay seethed.

“Tay, that’s enough. We haven’t even met Lorenzo properly; we can’t judge yet.” Robin folded her arms across her chest as she narrowed her eyes at her.

“That man has a lot of work to do before he becomes worthy of our girl, that’s all.” She picked at her nail polish as she tried her best to ignore Robin’s irritated looks.

“I know you didn’t expect to get on straight away but maybe just give it some time, you know?” Robin was right. She always saw the best in people even when others couldn’t. “Has anything happened since you’ve moved in?”

“Like what?” I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice.

“Please tell me you haven’t fucked him yet.” Tay wrinkled her nose and shook her head in disgust.

“No, we haven’t fucked yet! Please give me some credit.” I sighed. “We have kissed… twice.” I hid my face in embarrassment.

“What?! When?! Tell us everything!” Robin squealed.

“The first time he called it a mistake, he kissed me out of anger.”

“Excuse me? He called you a mistake. What the hell is wrong with this man?” Tay was angry, and that usually took quite a lot.

“He called the kiss a mistake, not me.”

“He better fucking not have done or I’ll come for him myself.” I knew Tay would never but the fact that she cared enough made me adore her even more.

“What about the second kiss?” Robin asked.

“The second was this morning, and as much as I enjoyed the kiss, I stopped it.” I lay back on the grass as the coolness soothed my warm skin.

“Ana, this relationship isn’t exactly what you dreamt of for yourself, we know that. But maybe you two will learn to love one another.” Robin laid down beside me as she linked her hand in mine.

“And what if we never do? What if all we do is play this damn game of cat and mouse until we end up killing one another.”

“I may not be his biggest fan and I doubt many are, but if anyone can change his mind on love and relationships, it’s you.” Tay smiled as she twisted my hair around her finger.

“But I know nothing about love and relationships. I’m not exactly an expert on it.”

“Then you can help each other,” Robin soothed.

“We’ll see.” I sighed as Jack came bounding over to us.

“Auntie Ana, can you take me to the bathroom?” he pleaded.

“Of course, let’s go.” I pushed myself up from the grass as he took my hand.

Jack only had Tay and their mother; his father left when he turned one. Her mother and mine were friends so they spent many nights and weekends at our house. Jack was like a little brother to me, and hearing him call me Auntie Ana warmed my heart tremendously.

“Hey Ana, who’s this little dude?” I realised who it was before I even turned around.
