Page 59 of Love Me Always

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“Please, let me go. I’ll never step foot near you again.” Tears finally left his eyes, and not once did I feel an ounce of remorse.

“You’ve changed your tune.” I wandered around his hanging body, torture techniques playing on mind. “Just for your information, I’ll be the one doing the skinning.” I removed my knife from my waistband and sliced a layer of skin from his back as he cried out for me to stop.

I stopped before him and held up the piece of flesh that finally caused him to gag before he projectile vomited on the floor in front of me.

“I thought you could stomach a lot more than this. You disappoint me.” I turned my attention to Emmet who was happily watching from the corner. “What about you, Emmet, do you agree?”

“I expected a lot more from a man who thinks he can go head-to-head with Lorenzo fucking Ricci.” He eyed the glowing cigarette in his hand.

“Be my guest.” I knew what he wanted to do.

Emmet stalked over to where we stood and stubbed out his cigarette on Ryker’s cheek, and the sizzling against his skin was like music to my ears as were the sobs.

“Hope that didn’t hurt too much.” Emmet shoved the cigarette end into Ryker’s mouth. “Swallow it.”

Ryker didn’t comply as he spat the end out into his puke.How charming. Emmet didn’t seem to care as he retrieved the vomit-covered cigarette before he shoved it forcefully back into Ryker’s mouth.

“He said, fucking swallow it.” Emmet covered our captive’s mouth with his hand to assure it didn’t happen again as we watched him force down his only meal of the day.

“Good boy.” I patted his freshly burnt cheek as I patronised him much to his disgust.

“Now, where shall we go next?” I pondered as I placed my bloody knife against my lips.

I teased my blade along his side as I agonisingly sliced off another layer of his skin. My ears welcomed his screams once more. I tossed what was in my hand over my shoulder and sliced another layer from his chest, over his heart to be precise.

“Please let me go. I’ll never come near you or your shipments again,” he panted through the pain.

“Normally, I’m an extremely forgiving man, but not today. Unfortunately for you, today, I’m in a foul mood.” I spun my blade between my fingers as I toyed with him a little more. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a choice of where you want me to go next.”

“Nowhere! Please, nowhere!” he pleaded.

I continued slicing off parts of his skin until he passed out beneath my blade. Blood soaked his khaki pants as his body was tinged red all over. I stepped back to admire my handiwork. By then, he looked like a damn jigsaw.

“Creative,” Emmet joked as he elbowed my arm.

“Why, thank you, I think I’d have to agree with you on that one.” I walked over to Ryker whose chin rested against his bloody chest. I pulled out his tongue and cleaned my knife before tucking it back into my waistband.

“What do you want me to do with him when he comes back around?” Emmet asked as he lit another cigarette, the smell of smoke and blood filled the air, and it was a glorious fucking smell.

“Whatever you want, just finish him and then get Red to dispose of him in one of his fucked-up ways.” I winked before I left Emmet alone to deal with that in one of the many ways he knew how.

As I made it to the car, I saw a couple of missed calls from my mother before the screen jumped into action with her caller ID once more.

“Good afternoon, Ma.”

“Finally. Where have you been?” She sounded stressed, something that was new for her.

“I had some business to deal with. What can I do for you?”

“I’ve been with Florence all morning. The engagement party is all set and ready to go tomorrow evening. You just need to turn up on time with the ring you’re giving to Anastacia. You have it, right?”

“I have it right here in the car.” I reached over into the glove compartment and pulled a black velvet box that housed a pretty engagement ring. I stared down at it for a moment in my blood-stained hand and realised that was all it was.Pretty.

She deserves more than pretty, doesn’t she?

Fuck it, it will do.

“What the hell is it doing in your car?!” Her tone changed instantly.
